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Product Insights: Product Lead Insight

This report shows the causality between products that a user has visited and added to the cart successively in the past 7 days, helping you understand the effect of product lead generation and the connection between products.


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About the Report

You can view this report in Analytics > Reports > Insights > Product lead insight.

  • Lead-in visit connection: Within the past 7 days, if a user visited the product details page of product A and then navigated to the product details page of product B, product A is considered to have guided traffic to product B. This indicates a lead-in visit connection from product A to product B.
  • Lead-in add-to-cart connection: Within the past 7 days, if a user added product B to the cart on the product details page of product A, or if a user visited the product details page of product A and then navigated to product B and added product B to the cart, product A is considered to have an add-to-cart lead for product B.
  • Main product: the product leading visits or add to cart.
  • Lead-in product: the product being led to visits or add-to-cart.

The report shows only the products (up to 50) that have been visited in the past 7 days, and shows only those with a Lead-in visit rate and a Lead-in add-to-cart rate greater than zero.

Based on the results of the Product lead insight report, you can connect products with high lead-in connection to boost the store's conversion rates. If there are not enough products browsed or added to the cart, you may encounter situations where the page displays No data available.

The report does not show all the events in your store within the past 24 hours. The calculation is based on Beijing Time (GMT +8).



Understanding the Fields

Fields used in the Visits lead report are described as follows:

Field Description
Main product name

The name of the main product with lead-in visit connection.

Product A is considered the main product if a user visited the product details page of product A and then navigated to that of product B in the past 7 days.

Users of main product Number of users who have visited the main product in the past 7 days.
Lead-in product name

The name of the product having a lead-in visit connection with the main product.

Product B is considered the lead-in product if a user visited the product details page of product A and then navigated to that of product B in the past 7 days.

Users of lead-in visit product Number of users who have visited the lead-in product in the past 7 days.
Lead-in visit rate

Lead-in visit rate = Users of lead-in visit product / Users of main product × 100%

It measures what percentage of the users who visited product A went to product B in the past 7 days. A higher lead-in visit rate means a stronger lead-in visit connection between products A and B.


Fields used in the Add-to-cart lead report are described as follows:

Field Description
Main product name The name of the main product with an add-to-cart connection.
Users of main product Number of users who have added the main product into cart in the past 7 days.
Lead-in product name

The name of the product having a lead-in add-to-cart connection with the main product.

Product B is considered the lead-in product if a user visited the product details page of product A and then navigated to that of product B and added product B to the cart in the past 7 days.

Users of lead-in add-to-cart product Number of users who have added the lead-in product to cart in the past 7 days.
Lead-in add-to-cart rate

Add-to-cart connection rate = Users of lead-in add-to-cart product / Users of main product × 100%

It measures what percentage of the users who visited product A and added product B to cart directly, or went to the product details page of product B and added product B to cart in the past 7 days. A higher “Lead-in add-to-cart rate” means a stronger lead-in add-to-cart connection between products A and B.

Product A also has the lead-in effect for product B if the user added product B directly on the product details page of product A, with the help of sections like Recently viewed or Product recommendation. However, in this case, the users for product B are 0, namely, products A and B have a visit connection rate of 0% as the user does not visit product B. The report will not show the product bundle with a visit connection rate of 0%.


  1. Both Product connection insight and Product lead insight reports are about the connection between products A and B. However, the former does not focus on the chronological order in which users browse products but on analyzing the user's possible preferences for products A and B. The latter does focus on the chronological order in which users browse products on the product details page and on analyzing which users are led directly by product A among all users who visited product B to measure the lead-in effect of product A for product B.
  2. In this report, the data of the product bundle add-on set by apps is not taken into account. For example, the connection between product A, product B, and product C is not included in the scope of this analysis if the user selects Add together for products B and C set by the product bundle app on the product details page of product A.


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