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Transferring Inventory


Inventory transfer helps you record, track, and receive the incoming inventory between locations in your store. It offers the following benefits:

  • Real-time tracking: Maintain accurate inventory levels as products move between locations.
  • Flexible receipt options: Specify whether you've received all or part of the inventory to manage your stock receipt schedule effectively.
  • Automated stock updates: Once you confirm receipt, your product stock levels are automatically updated, eliminating manual adjustments.
  • Detailed tracking: View incoming transfer information, including quantities and expected arrival dates, in the product details page.


In This Article



Enabling Inventory Tracking

Enabling product inventory tracking automatically updates available stock quantities at the respective location when you receive a transfer containing that item. To enable automatic inventory updates:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Products and select the product you want to track inventory for to access its product details page.
    1-1 product list.png
  2. In the Inventory section, enable Track quantity with orders. If the product has multiple variants, select the variant you want to track and enable this option. To allow customers to continue purchasing the product when it is sold out, enable Continue selling when out of stock.
    1-2 enable tracking and oversale.png
  3. Under the Store locations section, enter the quantity information for each location. For more information on inventory statuses, refer to "Understanding Inventory Statuses."
    1-3 modify inventory.png
  4. Click Save.


Creating Inventory Transfers

If you have multiple locations, you can track and receive incoming inventory between locations by creating inventory transfers in SHOPLINE. Follow these steps to create inventory transfers:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Products > Transfer. This page displays all your transfers. Click Create a transfer.
    2-1 create transfer.png
  2. In the Shipping origin field, select the location from which the inventory will be transferred. In the Destination field, select the location to receive the inventory.
    2-2 add locations.png
  3. In the Add product section, click Select items and choose the products and variants you want to transfer in the pop-up window.
    2-3 select products.png
  4. After selecting the products, specify the quantity for each item in the transfer. If the entered quantity exceeds the inventory at the shipping location, the inventory at that location will become negative after the transfer is created.
    2-4 specify quantity.png
  5. Delivery information (optional): Enter the Estimated delivery date, Tracking number, and Carrier. Then, click Add.
  6. The transfer is now in Draft status. To proceed, select the transfer in the list and click Marked as ‘To pick up’ in the upper right corner. It will then be ready for receiving.
    2-7 Marked as “To pick up”.png


Receiving Inventory Transfers

When inventory arrives, the transfer feature ensures accurate receipt of all expected goods. Receiving inventory means the items have arrived at your destination location, been assessed, and accepted or rejected based on their condition and accuracy.

  • Accepted items: Quantities are added to your destination location's inventory, increasing available stock. The system automatically adjusts to reflect the new stock levels on your inventory management page.
  • Rejected items: Quantities do not affect your inventory levels. Rejected items are not included in your stock records.

Ensure that you have enabled Track quantity with orders for products and their variants. If you receive additional items from the shipping location that were not part of the original transfer, you can add them in the Add product section.

To receive an inventory transfer:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Products > Transfer and click the transfer you want to receive.
    3-1 Transfers list.png
  2. Confirm the quantity of products in the transfer, then click Receive to access the receiving page.
    3-2 Receive button.png
  3. On this page, choose Receive all transfers, Reject all transfers, or manually enter quantities under the Received and Rejected columns (e.g., for damaged products). If you receive more or fewer items than expected and decide to accept them, simply enter the actual quantity under Received.
    3-3 receipt details.png
  4. Click Update, and the inventory will adjust based on the quantities you received.



Calculating Inventory

If you have enabled inventory tracking, it's important to understand the counting and tracking method when receiving goods from the shipping location. The number of incoming goods will adjust based on the quantities you mark as "Received" or "Rejected."

For example, suppose you wanted to transfer 10 items of a product, ordered 10, but only received 7. If you mark 4 items as Received and 3 as Rejected, there will be 3 items still listed as Incoming. This is because, although 3 of the items you received were rejected, you have physically received a total of 7 items as part of the original order.



Withdrawing Transfers

If errors occur in creating or receiving transfers, you can delete transfers, adjust received quantities, or manually adjust inventory levels to correct the issue. Follow these steps to withdraw a transfer.


For Unreceived Transfers

If no inventory has been received for the transfer, access the specific transfer form on the Transfer page and make the necessary changes.

  • To adjust quantities, manually enter the correct amounts in the Inventory quantity column under the Add product section.
    4-1-1 adjust the quantity.png
  • To delete a product from the transfer, click the delete button next to the item, then click Update.
    4-1-2 delete items.png
  • To delete the entire transfer, click the red Delete transfer button in the lower-left corner.
    4-1-3 delete transfer.png

For Accepted Transfers

If any inventory has been received (including partially received transfers), you cannot delete or adjust the transfer quantity. To cancel remaining items:

  1. Access the transfer and click Receive.
  2. On the receiving page, click Reject all transfers to reject all remaining quantities.
  3. Click Update to mark the transfer as Completed, adjusting the incoming quantity accordingly.4-2 reject transfer.png
Note: If the shipping location is also an active store location, you can manually adjust the inventory from the Inventory section on the product details page.


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