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Product Insights: Out-of-stock Alert


This report includes products with less than 15 days of inventory remaining, helping you promptly carry out strategies such as restocking, inventory management, and setting up overselling limits.


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About the Report

SHOPLINE predicts whether out-of-stock situations could happen for your products, based on their sales quantity and inventory level. You can monitor unexpected changes of product inventories in Analytics > Reports > Insights > Out-of-stock alert.

The possibility of being out of stock can be predicted based on the sales performance over a period of time in the past. This report includes only the products with a sales quantity of greater than zero in the past 28 days, and provides the estimation of days of inventory remaining based on the average selling speed of the products in the past 28 days.

This report does not show all the events in your store within the past 24 hours. The calculation is based on Beijing Time (GMT +8).



Understanding the Fields

Fields used in the report are described as follows:

Field Definition
Product Name The title of the product.
Vendor The brand name of the product.
Multivariant specification The SKU specifications of the product, e.g., Red · L.
Sales volume of the past 28 days The total sales quantity of the product generated in the last 28 days. If you edit an order to reduce the number of items, sales quantity may be negative.
Reporting days

The Reporting days column records the number of days that products with sales records have been included in the report over the past 28 days. Keep in mind that only products with a sales quantity of greater than zero in the past 28 days will be shown in the report.

  • If a product was first sold earlier than the past 28 days and has generated sales in the past 28 days, the product is included in the analysis for up to 28 days.
  • If a product was first sold within the past 28 days, the number of days the product is included in the analysis starts from the date it was sold.

For example, if the date is October 31, 2023, then the latest data we can see in the report is up until October 30, 2023. For product A, the first order was placed on September 1, 2023, and the second order on October 15, 2023. This means that product A was one of the objects analyzed in the report for the past 28 days, that is, the number of its Reporting days was 28. For product B, the first order was placed on October 15, 2023, and its Reporting days are counted from October 15, 2023 to the current day, that is, the number of its Reporting days was 15.

Remaining inventory quantity The total quantity of products currently in inventory.
Average pieces sold per day

The number of products sold per day in the past 28 days.

Average pieces sold per day = Sales volume of the past 28 days/Reporting days

Days of inventory remaining

Number of days for products available for sale, estimated based on the remaining inventory quantity and the selling speed. If negative, it will be displayed as 0, indicating that the product is out of stock, and the inventory needs to be replenished as soon as possible, or an overselling strategy is required to ensure smooth transactions.

Days of inventory remaining = Remaining inventory quantity/Average pieces sold per day


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