SHOPLINE defines products with a significant “Day-to-day growth rate” in sales, sessions, and conversion rate exceeding 30% as abnormally fluctuating products. You can monitor the changes of abnormal products in Analytics > Reports > Insights > Product fluctuation, and the report is analyzed by 3 topics: Sales, Sessions, and Conversion Rate.
Within the report, you can filter the data based on Product name, vendor, and various product metrics. If there are not enough sessions of visitors browsing or purchasing products, you may encounter situations where the page displays No data available. This report does not show all the campaigns in your store within the past 24 hours. The calculation is based on Beijing Time (GMT +8).
In This Article
Fluctuation of Sales
This report includes products with sales greater than zero for the previous day. If a product's sales have significantly increased, it may indicate a potential best-selling item. If the sales have significantly decreased, you might consider increasing advertising, implementing marketing campaigns, or offering promotional discounts on product bundles to encourage customers to make purchases.
The metrics used in the report are defined below:
Metric | Definition |
Sales of the last day | Sales of the products on the day before the selected time. If there are any order edits (e.g., refunds), the sales amount may be negative. |
Sales of the day | Sales of the products for the selected day. If there are any order edits, the sales amount may be negative. |
Day-to-day growth rate | (Sales of the day - Sales of the last day) / Sales of the last day × 100% |
Fluctuation of Sessions
This report includes products with sessions greater than zero for the previous day. If there is a significant increase in sessions, it may indicate the effectiveness of your advertising efforts. If there is a significant decrease in sessions, you can further optimize product titles and descriptions, as well as engage in more off-site promotions to make improvements.
The metrics used in the report are defined below:
Metric | Definition |
Sessions of the last day | The number of sessions of the products on the day before the selected time. |
Sessions of the day | The number of sessions of products for the selected day. |
Day-to-day growth rate | (Sessions of the day - Sessions of the last day) / Sessions of the last day × 100% |
Fluctuation of Conversion Rate
This report only includes products with a conversion rate greater than zero for the previous day. If there is a significant increase in the conversion rate, it may be the result of successful adjustments in your business strategies. If there is a significant decrease in the conversion rate, you can promote customer conversions by utilizing promotional offers such as discount codes.
The metrics used in the report are defined below:
Metric | Definition |
Sessions with completed checkouts of the last day | The number of sessions who completed checkout for the product on the day before the selected time |
Conversion rates of the last day | Sessions with completed checkouts of the last day / Sessions of the last day × 100% |
Sessions with completed checkouts of the day | The number of sessions who completed checkout for the product on the selected day |
Conversion rates of the day | Sessions with completed checkouts of the day / Sessions of the day × 100% |
Day-to-day growth rate | (Conversion rates of the day - Conversion rates of the last day) / Conversion rates of the last day × 100% |