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Price Rounding


When selling products in multiple markets, currency conversion may result in inconsistent price endings for your products and shipping fees. To ensure consistent price endings after conversion, you can round up product prices. This way, you can help keep prices stable.  maintain stable prices.

This article will introduce the basics of price rounding. 

Note: Gift cards are not subject to rounding rules.


In This Article



Enabling Price Rounding

You can turn on rounding rules and preview the converted prices on Markets, and set the price calculation method for each item in the market. For more information, refer to Products and Pricing Settings.

To turn on price rounding, follow these steps:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Settings > Markets.
  2. Go to Preference settings.
  3. Select Price Rounding under the Currency section.
  4. Click Updates.

We’ll then automatically round the prices to the most commonly used denomination for each currency under View Rounding Rules.

For example, if a product is priced at $14.99 and the rounding rule for US dollars is set to 1, the price displayed in the store will be $15.00.



Customizing Rounding Rules

You can customize rounding rules for some currencies.

Here are the steps:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, click Settings > Markets.
  2. Go to Preference settings.
  3. Select Price Rounding.
  4. Click View Rounding Rules.
  5. Set your custom rounding rules for specific currencies.
  6. Click Update.

In some currency systems, the precision is set to 0, meaning you need to customize that currency manually.

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