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Advanced Settings for Discount Codes - Customizing the Display Order

In addition to configuring the display of discount codes on the product details pages, you can also customize the order in which discount codes are displayed. This allows you to prioritize and showcase the most relevant campaigns in a location that is easily visible to consumers.

Note: To use advanced settings, ensure you have installed the Design Maker for Campaigns app from the SHOPLINE App Store.


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Customizing the Display Order

Follow the steps below to configure the display order of your discount codes:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Apps > Design Maker for Campaigns.
  2. In the Multi-discount code banner section, click Discount code order.
    1-2 Discount code order.png

  3. In the pop-up window, you can select the display order for your discount codes on the storefront. Choose from the default sorting rules in the Sort by dropdown menu:
    • Created: New -> Old
    • Created: Old -> New
    • Updated: New -> Old
    • Updated: Old -> New
    • Discount level: Big -> Small
      1-3 Default sorting.png
  1. Alternatively, you can manually change the order based on any default order: Select any default sorting rule and click Save. Then, return to the Discount code order pop-up window, choose Custom from the dropdown menu, and drag and drop to adjust the order.
    1-4 Custom sorting.png

    • If you choose to sort by default orders, the system will include your future campaigns in the display sequence based on the rule you selected.
    • If you customize the order, future discount codes will not be displayed on the product details pages. To include them and adjust their order, you'll need to repeat these steps to reset the custom sorting.
  1. You can preview the sorting of the campaigns in the list in real-time.
    1-5 Preview.png

    Notes: Only discount code campaigns that are enabled to be displayed on the product details pages will be included in the list. In addition, campaigns created by apps and campaigns that have expired will not be displayed here.
  2. Click Save and the new sorting will take effect for all products. The eligible discount codes will be sorted according to the new sorting rule.

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