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Gift Offer Analytics - Overview dashboard

The Data overview page displays data such as sales, orders, and gifts given brought by free gift campaigns. Here you can view all campaigns, their performance, and order data brought by individual campaigns.


In This Article



Giveaway Campaign Type - Overall Data

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  • Path: From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to the Apps page. Access the Gift Offer application, and you will find the overall data for all the free gift campaigns displayed at the top of the Gift Offer application Campaign list page.
  • The data in the Gift Offer app is updated every hour, causing a slight delay in the information.
  • Here, you can view the sales, the percentage of sales, orders, and gifts given for all free gift campaigns in your store.



Data Overview

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  • Path: From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to the Apps page and access the Gift Offer app. Click Data overview to access the data for free gift campaigns.
  • On the Data overview page, you can view the overall data for all free gift campaigns within the Gift Offer application during a specific timeframe, as well as detailed data for individual campaigns that have generated data during that period.


Date Range Selection

At the top of the page, you can click the time selector to choose the desired time range for the data you need.


Index Explanation

The following metrics are displayed at the top of the Data overview page, providing insights into the overall performance of free gift campaigns:

Metric Display for a Date Range
Sales Total order amount from successful orders participating in campaigns in the Gift Offer app. When refund occurs to orders, the sales amount changes accordingly.
Percentage of sales

The percentage of sales generated by free gift campaigns compared to total store sales, calculated as free gift campaign sales/store sales.

Store sales refer to the sales generated by your store in SHOPLINE. If you import orders to SHOPLINE, the sales of imported orders will not be counted.

Orders Total number of orders placed for free gift campaigns.
Gifts Given The total quantity of free gifts offered in successful orders.
Average transaction  value Average transaction value = Free gift campaign sales / Orders.
Unit per transaction Unit per transaction = Number of items ordered in free gift campaigns / Orders


Campaign Data

On the "Data overview" page, you can access detailed information for activities that have generated data during the selected time range. Each activity is represented by a single data entry.

  • Campaign name: Campaign name for the corresponding campaign, the title you configured when creating this campaign
  • Offer requirements: The conditions set for the campaign during creation. If a campaign has multiple tiers, the conditions for each tier will be displayed.
  • Sales: In the successful orders, the total order amount that participated in the campaign
  • Orders: In the successful orders, the total orders that participated in the campaign
  • Gifts given: The number of free gifts given in successful orders for this campaign
  • Average transaction value: Sales/Orders
  • Unit per transaction: No. of items within campaign orders/Orders
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