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Product Upsells & Bundles: Understanding Sales Data


In the Product Upsells & Bundles app, you can view metrics generated from all activities, including sales, orders, and discounted amounts on the Data overview pages. Additionally, you can review the data of an individual activity, which provides details about the orders that participated in this particular promotion.


In This Article



Data Overview of Each Activity Type

User journey:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, choose Apps > Product Upsells & Bundles. Install it if you haven’t.
  2. Product Upsells & Bundles provides four activity types, which are Product bundles, Add-on products, Gift box, and After-sales promotions. Each has its own tab. Select the activity type you want to view its data.
  3. At the top of page, click any metric to access the Data overview page.
    1-3 tabs and metrics.png

  4. On the Data overview page, view even more metrics and the trend chart.
  5. Click any entry in the Activity data list to go to the details page of an individual activity.
    1-5 data overview.png

  6. On the details page of this activity, you can review comprehensive data about the activity, including specifics about the orders which participate in this promotion.
    1-6 individual activity.png



Activity Metrics

The following metrics are displayed at the top of the Data overview page, from which you can view the overall data for the activity type.

Metrics Definition
Sales The total sales amount from successful orders that participated in this activity type. Where refunds occur, the sales amount will be deducted accordingly.
Orders The total number of successful orders that participated in this activity type.
Discount Amount The total discount amount applied to successful orders that  participated in this activity type.
ROI ROI = Sales of this activity type/discount amount of this activity type
Average Transaction Value AOV = Sales of this activity type/orders of this activity type
Unit per transaction Unit per transaction = Number of items in the orders of this activity type/orders of this activity type



Data that Different Activity types Provides

Sale Data of Product Bundles

If you are browsing a Product bundles activity, you can view a list of product bundles sales data below the activity data metrics. Here, you can view the sales data for each add-on item in the activity.

Sales Data of Add-on Products

If you are browsing Add-on Products activities, you can view a list of add-on product sales data below the activity data metrics. Here, you can view the sales data for each add-on item in the activity.

  • Add-on product: Image and name of the Add-on product (for better identification).
  • Orders: Number of successful orders that include Add-on products
  • Sales volume:  The number of Add-on products purchased in the successful orders.
  • Sales: Sales from Add-on products in the successful orders.


Sales Data of Gift Box

If you are browsing a Gift box activity, you can view a list of gift box sales data below the activity data metrics. Here, you can view the sales data for each product in the activity.

  • Gift box product: Image and name of the Gift Box product (for better identification).
  • Orders: Number of successful orders that include Gift Box products.
  • Sales volume: The number of Gift Box products purchased in the successful orders.
  • Sales: Sales from Gift Box products in the successful orders.


Sales Data of After-sales Promotions

If you are browsing an After-sales promotions activity, you can view a list of after-sales service promotion sales data below the activity data metrics. Here, you can view the sales data for each product in the activity, including activity data of Discount pop-up window and Product upsells.

  • For Discount pop-up window, besides sales data, you can also view exposure counts, click counts, and conversion rates for the corresponding sales data. 
  • Product upsells include the following data:
    • upsell product: Image and name of the products for upsell (for better identification).
    • Orders: Number of successful order that included upsell products.
    • Sales volume: The number of upsell products purchased in the successful orders.
    • Sales: Sales from upsell products in the successful orders.



Activity Order Details

On the activity details page, you can view the details of orders that participated in the activity, with each order displaying specific information.

  • Order No.: The order number for this transaction, consistent with the one displayed in the Orders module.
  • Order date: The timestamp when this order was successfully placed.
  • Customer: Customer details associated with this order, including name, email, or phone number.
  • Product quantity: The number of products included in this order.
  • Sales: The total sales amount for this order, which may change with refunds.
  • Discount amount: The amount of discount applied to this order as part of the activity.
  • Order status: The current status of the order.
  • Payment status: The current payment status of the order.



Exporting Data 

You can export order details as a local file by following these steps:

  • In the Order detail section, click Export data. Choose one of the following options:
    • To export the data of all orders displayed in this section, select All orders and click Export.
    • If you want to filter orders based on specific status/payment status before exporting, use the filters at the top of the list. Then, select Orders for filter results > Export.
    • If you only want to export the data of specific orders, check the box in front of the order numbers before exporting. Then, select Selected orders and click Export.

4 export orders.png


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