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Adding and Managing Product Variants


If your product is available in multiple variants, such as a T-shirt offered in two sizes and two colors, you can configure these variants and generate the corresponding SKUs via Variants on the product settings page.



In This Article



Adding Product Variant Options and Values

If your product comes in multiple variants, you can create these variants when adding or editing the product. Follow these steps:

  1. In your admin panel, go to Products and open either a product creation page or a product editing page. Locate the Variants module and check This product has multiple variants.
  2. Click Add product variant to add variant options.
    • Choose from preset variant options such as color, size, material, and style.
    • You can also create custom variant options to meet specific needs, such as patterns or target audience.
    • You can create up to five variant options.
  1. Enter the corresponding variant value for each option.
    • Press Enter after entering each value to proceed to the next one.
    • Once all values are entered, the SKU list will automatically generate the relevant SKUs based on the set variant values.
    • Each product can generate up to 500 SKUs.



Managing Variant Options and Values

If your product has been created and configured with multiple variant options and values, you can manage them on the product settings page.

Note: Adding or deleting variant options will change the generated SKU IDs, which may impact advertising, marketing campaigns, or warehouse management data.


Adjusting the Display Order

On the product settings page, click Variant display order to the right of Variants to adjust the order of the existing variant options and values.


  • Change the order of variant options by dragging an option up or down.
  • Change the order of variant values for a specific option by dragging a value left or right.
  • As the order of variant options and values changes, the order of SKUs on the list page will also update.

Adding thumbnails for Variant Options

Click the pencil icon on the right to upload a thumbnail for each variant option. Once uploaded, the thumbnail will be displayed in the SKU selection area on the product details page.

  • Supported image formats: .jpg, .png, .gif
  • Recommended image size: 96px by 96px
  • Maximum file size: 4 MB


Deleting Variant Options

Click the Delete button next to an existing variant option to remove it.


Note: Once a variant is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Please proceed with caution.



Editing Product Variant Information

Based on the variant options and values you've configured, the corresponding product variants will be automatically generated in the SKU list. For each product variant, you can set prices, inventory, and other details by clicking on the variant. The system will then redirect you to the product variant settings page.

Additionally, you can edit variant information in bulk by selecting multiple variants and using the following features:

  • Modify the inventory

  • Change the price:

    • Change the price

    • Change the compare at price

    • Change the cost price

    • Clear the compare at price

  • More actions: 

    • Edit product weight

    • Set image

    • Inventory tracking

    • Tax

    • Continue selling when out of stock

    • Modify SKU

    • Modify HS Code

    • Modify shipping country

  • Batch editor: You can also click Batch editor to edit your variants in batches.

  • Delete: Click to bulk delete all selected variants.
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