SHOPLINE offers features that enable you to update your store's products and variants in bulk. These tools streamline product management and enhance work efficiency. This guide introduces various methods for bulk editing your products, helping you save time and boost overall productivity.
In This Article
Editing Your Products in Bulk
To bulk edit your products, go to Products in your SHOPLINE admin panel and select the products you want to update. You can choose up to 600 products at a time if you select them individually. Alternatively, select all to update all products at once. Then, use the following features to bulk edit your products.
Activate, Deactivate, and Archive
Click the Activate, Deactivate, or Archive products buttons to perform the corresponding actions.
Bulk edit
Click Bulk edit to select the desired options from the dropdown menu. Supported options include:
- Edit Name: Add text at the beginning or end of a product name or replace specific text within the product name.
- Edit vendor: Change the brand name or vendor name. If this field was previously filled for the product, it will be replaced.
- Add tags: Add existing tags to products or create new tags. Click Clear store tags to remove uncommon tags from your entire store.
- Delete tag(s): Remove existing tags from products.
- Add available channels/Remove available channels: Adjust the available channels for the products.
- Change the price/Change the compare at price: Select either Change to a specified price or Adjustment based on price.
- Edit product weight: Choose either Change to a specified weight or Adjust according to the original weight.
- Edit product type: Select a product type or add a custom product type.
- Delete item: Delete all selected products at once.
Enter bulk editor
Click Enter bulk editor to edit the following product information: Title, SKU, Price, Compare at Price, Tax, Fulfillment, Tag, Product Type, Vendor, Collection, Barcode, Weight, Item Cost, Status, Harmonized System Code, and Shipping Country.
Tips for using Enter bulk editor:
- Easily edit information in selected cells.
- Copy cell content downwards by clicking and dragging the square icon at the bottom right.
- Select multiple products for bulk actions.
- Click Edit columns in the top-right to choose which fields to display.
Bulk Editing Products with Variants
For products with multiple variants, you can bulk edit these variants through the following steps:
- In your admin panel, go to Products and select the product with variants you want to edit.
- Locate the SKU list section, select the variants to edit, and perform bulk actions using the following features:
- Modify the inventory: Click to adjust the inventory for the selected variants.
- Change the price: Click and select Change the price, Change the compare at price, Change the cost price, or Clear the compare at price.
- More actions: Click and select to Edit product weight, Set image, conduct Inventory tracking, set Tax, Continue selling when out of stock, Modify SKU, Modify HS Code, or Modify Shipping Country.
- Batch editor: Click to access the editor. In the editor, click Edit columns to select attributes and locations for adjustments. Editable attributes include Price, Compare at price, Item cost, Fulfillment, Inventory tracking, Continue selling when out of stock, Weight, and HS code.
- Delete: Click to bulk delete all selected variants.
- Click Update to save the changes.
Bulk Editing Products via Product Import
Another option for bulk editing products is through product import via CSV. Follow these steps:
- In your admin panel, go to Products. If you want to export only specific products, select or apply filters first. Then, click Export.
- Select whether to export All products, Selected products, or All results from filter, enter your email for file delivery, and click Export.
- Open the file and edit the following items as needed:
- Product title (change the product name in either Chinese or English)
- Product description, brand name, and image
- SEO title and SEO description
- Product status (Activated/Deactivated)
- Product variants, variant name, and attribute value
- SKU ID, SKU selling price/original price, inventory, weight, product number, and barcode
- Track inventory (T/F)
- After completing the information, click Import > Import locally on the Products section.
- In the pop-up, upload the file, select Overwrite existing products, filling in missing fields from the file where relevant, and click Import.
Note: For detailed information on the field definitions in the bulk import template, refer to the "Understanding the Fields" section in the "Adding Products in Batch" guide. |