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Creating Product Collections


Product collections are groups of related products curated and presented together on your store's website. They help organize and categorize products, making it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for and enhancing their overall shopping experience.

This guide explains how to create product collections, add items to a collection, and adjust product sorting within a collection to better meet your customers' needs.


In This Article



Creating a Product Collection

Follow these steps to create a product collection. Note that you can add a product to multiple collections:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Products > Collections. Then, click Add collection.
  2. Configure the basic collection information, including:
    • Title and Collection description
    • Sales channels for this collection
    • Search engine optimization settings
    • Collection cover image, which will be displayed on the product collection page to represent the collection
    • Collection banner image, which will appear on the product listing page  
    • Theme template configuration, which allows you to create theme templates for different collections and customize the style of each collection page. For detailed information, refer to the "Creating and Selecting Templates" guide.
  3. Select the method for adding products to the collection:
    Note: Once a collection is created using a specific method, that method cannot be changed. However, you can delete the collection and recreate it using the desired method.
    • Manually: If you choose to add products manually, click Choose products. Use the search and filter functions to quickly find the products you need.
    • Smart collection: To generate product collections automatically, select this option and set the product filtering conditions:
      • Choose All conditions or Any condition to apply AND or OR logic.
      • Use product attributes such as tags, names, prices, or weights for filtering and automatic categorization. The system will automatically update the collection with products that meet the conditions.
  4. Once the configuration is complete, click Add.


Adding Products to Existing Collections

You can only add products to Manually created collections. Collections generated automatically with Smart collection will update products based on preset conditions and do not allow manual additions. There are two ways to add products to existing collections.


From the Product Collection Settings Page

  1. In your admin panel, go to Products > Collections and select the collection you want to add products to.
  2. Find the Collection products section and click + Add products.
  3. Use the search and filter functions to find the desired products, select them, and click Add.
  4. Click Update on the collection settings page to save your changes.


From the Product Settings Page

  1. In your admin panel, go to Products and select the product you want to add to an existing collection.
  2. Locate the Collections section and click Add new.
  3. Search for the collections or select them from the collection tags below the search bar. Then click Update.
  4. Click Update on the product settings page to save your changes.



Sorting Product Display Order in a Collection

You can change the product order within a collection for display on the product listing page. There are two methods to configure the order:


Using Predefined Order Options

  1. Go to Products > Collections and select the collection you want to sort its products.
  2. In the Collection products section, use the dropdown menu to choose the order that fits your needs.
  3. Click Update to save your changes.


Manual Customization

  1. Go to Products > Collections and select the collection you want to sort its products.
  2. In the Collection products section, click Custom display order to access the customization page.
  3. You can click Select fields first to choose which fields to display on your products for quick reference.
  4. Click Sorting guide for detailed instructions. 

    On the order customization page, you can:
    • Use the search feature and filters to find products for reordering.
    • Select one or multiple products and drag and drop them to adjust their order.
    • Select one or multiple products and use buttons like Move to back, Assign position, or Pin to top to rearrange them.
    • Click Quick sort and choose from predefined order options for fast reordering.
  1. Click Update to save your changes. 
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