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Overview of Cart Upsell - Progress Bar


The Cart Upsell - Progress Bar app helps you increase order value for customers who have already added some products to the shopping cart, effectively boosting the sales of a single order.


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Introduction and Important Note

You can set up campaigns in the Cart Upsell - Progress Bar App and offer discounts (Percentage discount, fixed amount, and Free shipping) to encourage customers to buy more products (filler items) in order to meet a certain spending threshold for corresponding discounts. When customers reach the thresholds, the Cart Upsell - Progress Bar App will automatically apply discounts for customers. Alternatively, you can showcase your rewards for the campaigns you set in your SHOPLINE admin or other Apps. Use the Custom discount type to customize the reward copies, which will be displayed to the customers when they reach the corresponding consumption goals. However, please note that the Cart Upsell - Progress Bar App will only display the text without automatically applying discounts.

When setting up your campaigns, you can customize the color and copy of the progress bar to better match your brand's color scheme and style.

Important: After November 13, 2023, the App generates unique discount codes based on consumers’ purchase behavior to prevent discount codes from being leaked.

  • In your SHOPLINE admin panel, you will find new discount code campaigns for filler items. The rules of the campaigns are based on your configuration in the Cart Upsell - Progress Bar App. If you want to adjust certain rules of those new campaigns, go to the Discounts section of your admin panel and manually adjust the rules to fit your business mode.
  • To prevent the campaigns from generating excessive unused discount codes, the quantity of discount codes in new campaigns changes dynamically based on customer behavior. Any codes that are not used at the checkout page within 24 hours of being generated will automatically be cleared.
  • Old campaigns generated by the App will be set to expire after 7 days. Discount codes that have been applied by customers will remain valid within this validity period. After seven days, the old campaigns will expire and become ineffective. Discount codes from new campaigns will be applied after consumers meet the discount conditions. 



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