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Checking Member Activities


Understanding your customers’ behavior is key to personalizing marketing efforts and creating a more engaging shopping experience. SHOPLINE's Member System app empowers you to do just that by providing insights into member activities across your online store. By monitoring these activities, you can optimize your operations to drive sales and build lasting customer loyalty.


In This Article



Uncover Customer Behavior: Viewing Member Activities

Gain valuable insights into customer behavior by viewing member activities in your SHOPLINE store. This data can help you enhance your products and sales strategies.


Viewing Recent Activities

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Apps > Member System. Install the app if you haven’t already.
    checking member actities 1.png
  2. On the right side panel of the Overview page, you’ll find the recent five member activities for five categories:
    • Points: Track customers’ actions related to earning and redeeming various types of points.
    • Members: Monitor behaviors such as upgrades, downgrades, and retention.
    • Referrals: View activities related to successful referrals made by customers.
    • Store credits: Understand behaviors concerning the acquisition and utilization of store credits.
    • Gift cards: Access information on customers’ acquisition and usage of gift cards.
  1. To view a member’s complete activity record and personal information, click on their name to access the details page.

    Note: Customers who haven't completed self-registration aren't considered official members of your store. As a result, even if they've earned points, they won't be able to use them until self-registration is complete.

    Common scenarios where customers fail to complete self-registration include:

    • The customer provided their email address during the order placement and consented to email subscriptions, yet they haven't finalized the registration.
    • The customer entered their email address and agreed to subscriptions through a pop-up window or the footer of the homepage, but the registration process remains incomplete.
    • You previously imported this customer manually during the relocation process or in the store backend, but this customer's email address has not been successfully self-registered.


Accessing All Activities

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Apps > Member System.

  2. On the right side panel of the Overview page, click More on any category module.

    Alternatively, access all activities by clicking Activity in the left menu.

  3. On the "All Activities" page, view all member activities across different categories. Additionally, explore an additional activity type outside of the five categories:
    • Rewards: Monitor activities related to rewards received by customers through point redemption, upgrades, and referrals.
  1. Click a member’s name to access their details page for more information.
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