Providing in-store pickup for online orders benefits both customers and stores: customers get faster fulfillment and avoid shipping costs, while stores increase foot traffic and potential upsells. This guide will help you efficiently process in-store pickup orders within your SHOPLINE POS system.
Note: Before offering in-store pickup, you need to set it up as a delivery option for your online store. See Setting Up In-store Pickup for detailed instructions. |
In This Article
Steps to Processing In-store Pickup in POS
- In your SHOPLINE POS app, click the hamburger icon on the upper left corner to expand the left navigation bar.
- Click Order to access the order details page.
- Tap the filter icon on the upper right corner of the left panel. Select Online Store (for Sales channels) and Store pickup (for Delivery method), and then tap Complete.
- Locate and click on the specific pickup order from the filtered list. Tap Payment collection to proceed with the payment for the customer.