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Manually Updating Inventory

If you are new to using SHOPLINE POS and would like to add or update inventory, please upload the complete product information to the SHOPLINE Product Module before updating the inventory. This ensures that your product information is stored correctly, making it easier for you to manage inventory and keep track of the latest stock levels.


In This Article



Updating Inventory for Individual Products

Updating inventory for individual products refers to manually adjusting the quantity of specific products in stock. Once you have added the product to the SHOPLINE admin and need to change the inventory: 

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Product > Inventory.
  2. On the inventory page, select the store location for which you want to update the inventory.
    1-change store location.png
  1. Find the product you want to update and enter the latest stock quantity under On-hand.
    2-update qty.png
  1. After updating the inventory quantity, you can check your POS app to confirm the synchronization of changes.



Bulk Inventory Update

Using a CSV file to update inventory in bulk is a quick and effective method to update quantities for multiple products and stores.

To bulk update inventory for a single location, follow these steps:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Product > Inventory.
  2. At the top of the inventory page, tap on Export Inventory.
  3. To update inventory for a specific store location, choose the option under Export Range and select Store Location. Fill in the Export to email field and click Export.
    3- export inventory.png
  • Export Range: If you only want to export certain products, please check or filter the desired products on the Inventory page. Choose either Selected Variants or All Results from Filter for the export range. Otherwise, it will export all products.
  • Store Location: Selecting a single location will only update inventory for that specific store while selecting All Locations will export and update inventory for all locations at once.
  • Export to Email: After filling in this field, the exported table will be sent to the specified email address. Only one email address can be entered.


  1. To access the exported file, go to your email inbox where you filled in the email address, and find the exported file.
  2. Once you have opened the exported file, locate your store name and edit the inventory quantity.
  3. After updating the inventory in the CSV file, return to Inventory and proceed with importing the file.
    4- import inventory.png
  1. Upon importing the CSV file, your inventory quantities will be updated accordingly. You can check your POS app to confirm the changes in real time.


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