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Wishlist: Setting up Back-in-Stock Notifications


When you enable the back-in-stock notification feature in the Wishlist app, customers will see a NOTIFY WHEN AVAILABLE button on the details page of products which are temporarily out of stock, and can subscribe to the notification. Then when the product is restocked, they will receive email notifications, where they will be directed to your store for purchasing.


In This Article



Enabling and Customizing the Notification

To enable  the back-in-stock notification feature, follow these steps below:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Apps > Wishlist.
  2. In the app, switch to Style settings > Back-in-stock notification.
    1-2 back in stock notification.png

  3. You can choose to turn on the back-in-stock notification and preview the effect in the right pane. Meanwhile, you can also configure the following:
    • Edit the email template: A default email template is provided. Click Edit emails to go to the editor to make your email template.
    • Edit notification strategy: Click Edit notification frequency to configure the notification queue and interval. By default, the system will automatically send email notifications at 8:00, 16:00 and 22:00 (Beijing time). See details in the next section.
  4. You can customize the button text displayed on the product details page and preview the effect in the right pane.
  5. You can customize the pop-up window for subscription, including the title, description, button text, and marketing email opt-in option.
    1-3 config.png

  6. Once you finish the customization, the subscription button and pop-up window will reflect your edits.
    1-4 effect.png



Configuring the Notification Frequency

You can customize your delivery policy for the back-in-stock notification so that some customers can receive the email early.

You can access the configuration page in two ways:

  1. Style settings > Back-in-stock notification > Edit notification frequency
  2. Settings > Notification frequency
    2-1 notfication freq.png

On this page, you can configure the notification queue and interval:

  1. You can choose to turn on the Enable notification frequency toggle:
    • It is not turned on by default. The system automatically sends email notifications to all subscribed customers at 8:00, 16:00 and 22:00 (Beijing time) every day. Each customer will only be notified once after subscription.
    • If turned on, email notifications will be sent to subscribed customers sequentially and in batches according to the delivery policy  on this page.
  1. Specify the Notification rate: You can decide how many customers are notified when you restock a certain quantity of products. See examples below:
    • Notification rate is 100%: 20 customers are notified for every 20 units of products restocked (20*100%=20).
    • Notification rate is 80%: 16 customers are notified for every 20 units of products restocked (20*80%=16).
    • Notification rate is 200%: 40 customers are notified for every 20 units of products restocked (20*200%=40).
  1. Select the Notification order: Notifications are sent to customers based on the timing when they subscribed the notification. Available options are From earliest subscribers to latest and From latest subscribers to earliest.
  2. Specify the Notification interval: You can decide when the back-in-stock notifications will be sent after your restock.
    2-1 config.png

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