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Wishlist: Email Notifications


The Wishlist app offers the Email notifications feature that helps you automatically push emails to customers in certain scenarios with different templates. You can configure whether to enable the push, or modify the email bodies to create emails that are more consistent with your brand characteristics.


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Enabling/Disabling Emails

Go to Wishlist > Email notifications


You can choose which scenarios you wish to send email notifications for by checking the corresponding option.

  • Content related to Add to wishlist:
  • Low stock alert: An email will be sent to customers when products in their wishlist have inventory lower than a set quantity.
  • Back-in-stock reminder: An email will be sent to customers when products in their wishlist are back in stock.
  • Price update: An email will be sent to customers when the prices of products in their wishlist drop below the prices at the time of being added to their wishlist..
  • Back-in-stock notification: Customers who subscribe to back-in-stock notifications will receive an email when a product they are interested in has been restocked.
Note: Back-in-stock reminder emails are automatically sent based on the subscription status for Subscribe back-in-stock notification. To enable or disable it, go to Style settings > Back-in-stock notification.



Customizing Email Content

  1. To edit an email template, click on its name.
  2. Select the module you wish to edit. If you don't want to display certain sections' content, hover over the module and click the eye icon. To adjust the order of modules, hover over the module and hold down the rightmost six-dot icon and drag-and-drop to your desired position.
  3. Once finished, click Publish. The system will automatically review the email body, and once approved, the edited template will be available.


  • The existing email template will stay valid before the new template is approved.
  • It usually takes a few minutes to complete a review. If you haven’t received the result after an extended time, contact your Merchant Success manager.


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