The Quick add to cart palette feature enables customers to quickly locate and select SKUs through the color palette and add them to the cart efficiently. Currently, this feature is supported by the following themes: Charm and Modern.
In This Article
Effect Display
Once the SKU is selected, the corresponding image for that color will be displayed.
Hovering over the product card will reveal other variations, such as size variations, in the image.
- Clicking on a size variation will directly add that variation to the cart.
Configuration Steps
- On the product management page, set up multi-variant products. Products that support the Quick add to cart palette feature need to meet two requirements simultaneously:
- The product must have a color variation for a certain style; if the language at the customer end is English, the variation name needs to be "color".
The product can only have two product variants (if there are more than two product variants, only the color palette will be displayed, the
Quick add to cart button won’t be displayed)
- Color palette display method: The color palette is displayed in the order of the color variations. It matches the color based on English words (supporting upper and lower case). If a match is found, the specific color will be selected; if no match is found, a fallback image/color will be displayed.
In Theme Settings > Products, turn on Quick add to cart palette. After turning it on, the color variations are displayed in the form of a color palette, and the attributes of the other variation will be displayed when hovering over the mouse on the product information. Customers can quickly add the product to the shopping cart once they have selected the color and the attribute of the other variation.
Note: The color palette display method on the product detail page needs to be set in the product detail page configuration.
- You can also configure the following styles:
- Palette style: Square, Round or Rounded Rectangle
- Maximum display number of color value: 1-6 (colors exceeding the maximum display number will show +N, where N is equal to the number of product color values minus the maximum display number).
- Color Card Display Style: Display only 1 line, Swipe left and right or Tiled display
- Display Size: Small, Medium or Big
Color Reference Chart
Standard Colors
Keyword |
HEX Color Codes |
Example |
black |
#000000 |
silver |
#c0c0c0 |
gray |
#808080 |
white |
#ffffff |
maroon |
#800000 |
red |
#ff0000 |
purple |
#800080 |
fuchsia |
#ff00ff |
green |
#008000 |
lime |
#00ff00 |
olive |
#808000 |
yellow |
#ffff00 |
navy |
#000080 |
blue |
#0000ff |
teal |
#008080 |
aqua |
#00ffff |
Other Colors
Keyword |
HEX Color Codes |
Example |
aliceblue |
#f0f8ff |
antiquewhite |
#faebd7 |
aqua |
#00ffff |
aquamarine |
#7fffd4 |
azure |
#f0ffff |
beige |
#f5f5dc |
bisque |
#ffe4c4 |
black |
#000000 |
blanchedalmond |
#ffebcd |
blue |
#0000ff |
blueviolet |
#8a2be2 |
brown |
#a52a2a |
burlywood |
#deb887 |
cadetblue |
#5f9ea0 |
chartreuse |
#7fff00 |
chocolate |
#d2691e |
coral |
#ff7f50 |
cornflowerblue |
#6495ed |
cornsilk |
#fff8dc |
crimson |
#dc143c |
cyan (same as aqua ) |
#00ffff |
darkblue |
#00008b |
darkcyan |
#008b8b |
darkgoldenrod |
#b8860b |
darkgray |
#a9a9a9 |
darkgreen |
#006400 |
darkgrey |
#a9a9a9 |
darkkhaki |
#bdb76b |
darkmagenta |
#8b008b |
darkolivegreen |
#556b2f |
darkorange |
#ff8c00 |
darkorchid |
#9932cc |
darkred |
#8b0000 |
darksalmon |
#e9967a |
darkseagreen |
#8fbc8f |
darkslateblue |
#483d8b |
darkslategray |
#2f4f4f |
darkslategrey |
#2f4f4f |
darkturquoise |
#00ced1 |
darkviolet |
#9400d3 |
deeppink |
#ff1493 |
deepskyblue |
#00bfff |
dimgray |
#696969 |
dimgrey |
#696969 |
dodgerblue |
#1e90ff |
firebrick |
#b22222 |
floralwhite |
#fffaf0 |
forestgreen |
#228b22 |
fuchsia |
#ff00ff |
gainsboro |
#dcdcdc |
ghostwhite |
#f8f8ff |
gold |
#ffd700 |
goldenrod |
#daa520 |
gray |
#808080 |
green |
#008000 |
greenyellow |
#adff2f |
grey (same as gray ) |
#808080 |
honeydew |
#f0fff0 |
hotpink |
#ff69b4 |
indianred |
#cd5c5c |
indigo |
#4b0082 |
ivory |
#fffff0 |
khaki |
#f0e68c |
lavender |
#e6e6fa |
lavenderblush |
#fff0f5 |
lawngreen |
#7cfc00 |
lemonchiffon |
#fffacd |
lightblue |
#add8e6 |
lightcoral |
#f08080 |
lightcyan |
#e0ffff |
lightgoldenrodyellow |
#fafad2 |
lightgray |
#d3d3d3 |
lightgreen |
#90ee90 |
lightgrey |
#d3d3d3 |
lightpink |
#ffb6c1 |
lightsalmon |
#ffa07a |
lightseagreen |
#20b2aa |
lightskyblue |
#87cefa |
lightslategray |
#778899 |
lightslategrey |
#778899 |
lightsteelblue |
#b0c4de |
lightyellow |
#ffffe0 |
lime |
#00ff00 |
limegreen |
#32cd32 |
linen |
#faf0e6 |
magenta (same as fuchsia ) |
#ff00ff |
maroon |
#800000 |
mediumaquamarine |
#66cdaa |
mediumblue |
#0000cd |
mediumorchid |
#ba55d3 |
mediumpurple |
#9370db |
mediumseagreen |
#3cb371 |
mediumslateblue |
#7b68ee |
mediumspringgreen |
#00fa9a |
mediumturquoise |
#48d1cc |
mediumvioletred |
#c71585 |
midnightblue |
#191970 |
mintcream |
#f5fffa |
mistyrose |
#ffe4e1 |
moccasin |
#ffe4b5 |
navajowhite |
#ffdead |
navy |
#000080 |
oldlace |
#fdf5e6 |
olive |
#808000 |
olivedrab |
#6b8e23 |
orange |
#ffa500 |
orangered |
#ff4500 |
orchid |
#da70d6 |
palegoldenrod |
#eee8aa |
palegreen |
#98fb98 |
paleturquoise |
#afeeee |
palevioletred |
#db7093 |
papayawhip |
#ffefd5 |
peachpuff |
#ffdab9 |
peru |
#cd853f |
pink |
#ffc0cb |
plum |
#dda0dd |
powderblue |
#b0e0e6 |
purple |
#800080 |
rebeccapurple |
#663399 |
red |
#ff0000 |
rosybrown |
#bc8f8f |
royalblue |
#4169e1 |
saddlebrown |
#8b4513 |
salmon |
#fa8072 |
sandybrown |
#f4a460 |
seagreen |
#2e8b57 |
seashell |
#fff5ee |
sienna |
#a0522d |
silver |
#c0c0c0 |
skyblue |
#87ceeb |
slateblue |
#6a5acd |
slategray |
#708090 |
slategrey |
#708090 |
snow |
#fffafa |
springgreen |
#00ff7f |
steelblue |
#4682b4 |
tan |
#d2b48c |
teal |
#008080 |
thistle |
#d8bfd8 |
tomato |
#ff6347 |
turquoise |
#40e0d0 |
violet |
#ee82ee |
wheat |
#f5deb3 |
white |
#ffffff |
whitesmoke |
#f5f5f5 |
yellow |
#ffff00 |
yellowgreen |
#9acd32 |