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Creating and Managing B2B Company Profiles


Note: The B2B company feature is only available to stores on the SHOPLINE Enterprise plan.


A company is a business that you sell to through your B2B platform. Each company can have multiple locations, each with its own unique settings for customers (typically the merchandisers or employees of the company), product catalogs, and billing/shipping addresses. When a B2B customer logs in, they'll see the prices and other details tailored to their specific location. The address you set for the location will also be applied at checkout.

This guide will walk you through the process of creating, editing, and managing profiles for your B2B customers.


In This Article



Considerations for Using B2B Companies

Before establishing a B2B company, please keep the following in mind:

  • Locations: Each company must have at least one location, but multiple locations are supported.
  • Product Catalogs: Each location can be associated with only one product catalog. This catalog determines the pricing for customers at that specific location.
  • Customer Associations: A customer (merchandiser) can belong to only one company, but they can be associated with multiple locations within that company.
  • Email Requirement: All B2B customers must have an email address to log in. Customers without email addresses cannot be linked to a company.



Creating a Company Profile

To create a new company profile, you'll need to provide the company name and address. Other information can be added at a later time.

  1. From your SHOPLINE Enterprise admin panel, go to Customers > Companies and click Add company.
  2. Enter the required information: 
    • Company name: Input a name for the company. This name will be visible to customers in their accounts and during checkout.
    • Main contact: Select an existing customer as the main contact, or create a new one. Note that customers without email addresses or those already associated with another company cannot be selected.
    • Shipping address: Enter accurate and complete shipping and billing addresses. This information is essential for order processing.
    • Catalog: Choose an active catalog to assign to the company's default location. This will determine the pricing for customers at that location. If no catalog is selected, the standard product price will apply.
    • Payment terms: Set the payment terms for the company's default location. This determines whether the B2B customer can defer payment during checkout.
    • Checkout settings: Decide whether to allow B2B customers to input their own shipping address during checkout or use the company's default address.
  1. Once you've completed the configuration, click Add to save the new company profile.



Editing a Company's Details

You can modify a company's information at any time after its creation.

  1. From your SHOPLINE Enterprise admin panel, go to Customers > Companies. Click on the company you want to update from the list.
  2. On the company details page, you can edit the following:
    • Company name: Click Edit next to the company name to change it.
    • Catalog: If a catalog has been assigned to this company, it will be listed here. In this section, you can:
      • View Assigned Catalog: Click on the catalog name to view its details and make necessary edits. 
      • Remove Catalog: Click Edit, then click the trash bin icon next to the catalog to remove it.

        Note: You cannot replace or add catalogs directly in this section. To manage catalogs, go to the corresponding location settings.

    • Customers:
      • Add Customers: Click + Add customer to add new contacts.
      • Manage Existing Customers: Click Manage > three-dot icon next to the desired customer to:
        • Send B2B access email: Send an email with a link to the B2B store to the customer.
        • Cancel main contact/Set as main contact: Cancel or set the customer as the primary contact for the company.
        • Manage locations and permissions: Assign the customer to specific locations and roles, such as "Ordering only" or "Location admin".
        • Remove from company: Delete a customer. A deleted customer will lose access to the B2B store and orders, but their information will be retained.
    • Credit limit: Click Manage to set the company's credit limit. Once set, B2B customers can use their credit to place orders and pay later.
    • Payment terms: Click Edit to set payment terms for all company locations.
    • Payment method: Click Edit to set payment methods for all company locations.
    • Checkout settings: Click Edit to decide if customers can enter their own shipping address at checkout.
    • Add location: Click Add location to create additional locations for the company.
    • Delete company: Click Delete company to remove the company. A company cannot be deleted if it has any orders, including drafts. Deleting a company will also delete its locations. Contacts will be removed from the company but remain in your customer list unless deleted separately.


Editing a Company's Location Details

To edit the information for a specific company location, access the location details page.

  1. On the company details page, click on the desired location in the Location section.
  2. You can update the following in the corresponding sections:
    • Location name: Click Edit next to the company name to change the location name. By default, the location name is the same as the company name.
    • Location: Click Edit next to Recipient address and Billing address to update the address information. This address will be used as the default shipping address for orders at this location. Ensure all address fields are accurate to avoid processing errors.
    • Catalog: Click Edit to add, modify, or delete catalogs associated with this location.
    • Tax free settings: Edit tax-exempt regions and tax IDs for this location. Shipments to designated regions will be tax-exempt.
    • Payment terms: Click Edit to set or modify payment terms for this location.
    • Payment method: Click Edit to set or modify payment methods for this location.
    • Checkout settings: Click Edit to configure whether customers can enter their own shipping address at checkout.
    • Add or edit customers:
      • Add Customers: Click Add customer to add new contacts to the location.
      • Manage Existing Customers: Click the three-dot icon in the Operate column to send B2B store access emails, manage location permissions, or remove customers from this location.
Note: We offer the ability to set up company tax IDs and tax exemptions for specific shipping addresses. This feature is available to select merchants only. Contact us if you would like to enable it.



Managing Your B2B Customers


Adding Customers to a B2B company

You can add customers (merchandisers) to a B2B company in the following ways:

  • During Company Creation: Add a customer as the main contact when creating a new company.
  • From Company or Location Profiles: Add customers directly from the company or location profiles.
  • From Customer Profiles: Use the + Add to company button in the Company section on a customer's profile to add them to a specific company.

Setting Customer Location Permissions

For B2B customers, you can set their permissions to either Ordering only or Location admin.

  • Ordering only: Customers with this permission can access their associated company locations and place orders, but cannot manage location information.
  • Location admin: Customers with this permission can place orders and edit location information in their customer center, including location name, shipping address, and billing address.

You can set customer location permissions in the following places:

  • Company details page: When managing or adding customers on the company details page, click Manage locations and permissions.
  • Location details page: When managing or adding customers on the location details page, select Manage permissions.
  • Customer Details Page: Manage company locations for a specific customer on their customer details page.

Inviting Customers to Visit the B2B Store

From both company and location profiles, you can send B2B access emails to selected customers, providing a link to your B2B store. Customers must log in using the email address and a one-time verification code and can place orders using the catalog assigned to the company.

To customize the B2B access email template, go to Settings > Notifications, click B2B visit email, edit the template, and click Update.

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