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Custom Pixel Code


1. Custom Pixel Code

In the process of website management, custom pixel code is a crucial feature that helps track and analyze visitor behavior and preferences, providing valuable data for optimizing your store. In the Shopline backend, you can easily manage custom pixel code, including adding, connecting, disconnecting, modifying, and deleting operations.

The LAX Sandbox stores the custom pixel code you upload to enhance security and professionalism. Please note that your pixel code functionality may not be applicable in the sandbox. If you encounter any issues, you can contact your Shopline account manager.

2. Instructions for Use

To start your journey with custom pixel code, go to the Shopline backend and click on "Settings" > "Customer event."


1.1 Adding Custom Pixel Code

Before adding custom pixel code, make sure to remove or modify any existing pixel code to avoid duplicate tracking of customer activity. Check locations such as theme.liquid, checkout.liquid, and other scripts in checkout settings to remove any existing pixel code. This ensures that customer activity is not counted twice.

- Go to the Shopline backend and navigate to "Settings" > "Customer event."
- Click on "Add Custom Pixel Code," edit a unique name for the pixel code, and save.
- In the sandbox area, enter your pixel code script, ensuring it does not exceed 30 characters.
- Click "Update" to save the custom pixel code.


1.2 Connecting Custom Pixel Code

If you are confident that the added custom pixel code complies with SHOPLINE Privacy Policy, you can connect the pixel code to your store to ensure it starts working. There are two ways to connect:

Option 1:
- Go to the Shopline backend and navigate to "Settings" > "Customer event."
- After performing the "Add Custom Pixel Code" operation, click on the connect button in the top right corner.

Option 2:
- Go to the Shopline backend and navigate to "Settings" > "Customer event."
- In the code section, you will see the status of the added custom pixel code. Find the pixel code you want to connect and click on the "..." below the action column, then select "Connect."


1.3 Disconnecting Custom Pixel Code

Disconnecting stops the tracking activity of the added custom pixel code.

- Go to the Shopline backend and navigate to "Settings" > "Customer event."
- Only custom pixel codes with the "Connected" status in the list can be disconnected. Click on the "..." below the action column and select "Disconnect."


1.4 Modifying Custom Pixel Code

You can modify the content or name of custom pixel code, whether connected or not. If you want to make changes to custom pixel code, follow these steps:

Modifying Pixel Code Content:
- Go to the Shopline backend and navigate to "Settings" > "Customer event."
- Search for the pixel code you want to modify in the search box or directly click on the name of the pixel code in the code list to enter the edit page.
- Make the necessary changes in the sandbox area and click "Update."

Modifying Pixel Code Name:
- Go to the Shopline backend and navigate to "Settings" > "Customer event."
- In the custom pixel code list, find the pixel code you want to change. Click on the "..." below the action column and select "Edit Pixel Code Name."
- Change the pixel code name and click "Save."


1.5 Deleting Custom Pixel Code

You can delete custom pixel codes that you no longer need or that are causing errors. Please note that deleting custom pixel code is an irreversible operation, so ensure that you execute it correctly before proceeding.

- Go to the Shopline backend and navigate to "Settings" > "Customer event."
- In the custom pixel code list, find the pixel code you want to delete. Click on the "..." below the action column and select "Delete."


1.6 Testing Custom Pixel Code

After setting up custom pixel code, you can use the testing event tool to check whether standard or custom events are set correctly. Here are some commonly used Google Chrome extensions:

- Meta Pixel Helper: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/meta-pixel-helper/fdgfkebogiimcoedlicjlajpkdmockpc
- Twitter Pixel Helper: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/twitter-pixel-helper/jepminnlebllinfmkhfbkpckogoiefpd

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