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Actions Report

An Action Report intuitively shows you the critical user conversion metrics on your site. You can analyze conversion rates by date range, or, based on the data in the report (for example, Most searched words), adjust your product structure and quantity to simulate more purchases.


In This Article



Common Metrics

For the definitions of common metrics in Traffic Acquisition reports, refer to Traffic acquisition. The metrics related to product traffic conversion and searched words are described below.



Viewing Action Reports

  1. In the SHOPLINE admin, go to Analytics > Reports.
  2. In the actions area, select a report to view.


By Date Range

The By Date Range report tracks user behavior within a selected time period, showing sessions where users visited your store, added items to their cart, reached checkout, and completed purchases. In the line chart, you can select any metric from the dropdown menu or click Add metrics to compare different trends.

Additionally, you can review data separately for Visitors and Sessions. A visitor is a unique individual who accesses your website, while a session represents a single interaction or visit by any user. Typically, a visitor will have multiple sessions, meaning their overall engagement is longer than a single session. By comparing the number of visitors to the number of sessions, you can estimate the average number of sessions per visitor.

Conversion Rate over Time

This shows the number of visitors (that is, Sessions) and Conversion rate within your selected time frame.

By Landing Page

You can view visitors' conversion behavior in the Landing page dimension within your selected time range. The common dimensions are as follows:

Metric Description
Landing page type Type of the first page a visitor enters your store, for example, Homepage, Product page, etc.
Landing page path Path of the first page a visitor enters your store.
Landing page URL URL of the first page a visitor enters your store.


Actions: Most Searched Words

Within the time frame that you selected, the keywords and the number of times visitors searched for products in your store's search bar.

Metric Definition
Searches Number of times users enter keywords to search for products. For each search request submission is counted as one.


Actions: Words Searched Without Results

Within the time frame you selected, the keywords and the number of times that visitors found no results when searching for items in your store's search bar.

Metric Definition
Searches without results The number of customer's product searches that received empty results.


View Traffics and Sales Contributions by Referrer

Within your selected time frame, you can view sessions and their conversion by referrer source or country/region.

In this report, you can view the most contributing referrer source through metrics such as sessions, completed checkout, conversion rate, orders, and sales. The common dimensions are as follows:

Metric Description
Referrer name Name of the source channel via which the user is referred (for example, Facebook and Google), or last referrer name in the order record. For a single order, the "1 visitor from Facebook completed 1 order" prompt can be seen only when the order is contributed to Facebook for the last time and the customer jumped to your store from Facebook.
Referrer source Type of the channel via which the user is referred (for example, Social), or the last referrer source in the order record.
Country/Region Country/region where the IP address of the visitor is located, or country/region of the IP address of the visitor in the order record. A visitor may change their IP address when accessing online stores, causing the IP address in the visitor record different from that in the order record. For a single order, the "1 visitor from the US completed 1 order" prompt can be seen only when the country/region of the IP address of the customer in the order record (for example, US) is the same as that of the visitor.


View High-Traffic, Low-Converting Products

Within your selected time frame, you can view products whose sessions are higher than the average and their conversion rates.

From the drop-down list, you can select the desirable dimension for statistics. Click Manage filters, and set the minimum and maximum values to filter products based on their sales, sales quantity, sessions, and product conversion rate. You can click Add filters to create more filters. The common metrics used in the report are as follows:

Metric Definition
Product user views Sessions of the product detail page.
Average number of sessions view products Average number of sessions to all products over the selected time range.
Product conversion rate Number of sessions of successful orders/Number of sessions view products.


Store's Access Speed

For details of this report, refer to Store's access speed.

Bounce Rate over Time

Within your selected time range, you can view the Bounce Rate page. For merits and demerits about a high/low Bounce rate, refer to the description of the Bounce rate in the traffic acquisition report.

Analyze Product Conversions by Referral Resource and UTM

This report shows the product views or add-to-cart from different referral sources and their conversion rates. Based on this report, you can analyze products to optimize the product ranking or pictures on the landing page. It may take 1 to 2 hours to generate relevant data in this report. The common dimensions used in the report are as follows:

Metric Description
Product Name Title of the product. If the product name is changed after customers place orders, the new product name will be displayed in the report. If you have not inserted any picture of the product, the image in this field is empty.
Product ID Unique number of the product.
Product picture Main product of the product. If the picture is changed after customers place orders, the new picture will be displayed in the report.
Vendor The brand manufacturer of the product. If the product manufacturer is modified after the customer places the order, the report will display the latest product manufacturer. If you do not set a manufacturer for the product, it will appear as N/A.
SPU Standardized product units. If the SPU has been modified since the customer placed the order, the report will show the latest SPU. If you don't have SPU set up for your product, it will show N/A.
Custom product type The custom product type you entered for your product. If the custom product type has been modified since the customer placed the order, the report will show the latest custom product type. If you don't have a custom product type set up for your product, it will show N/A.
Referrer site Customers who place orders arrive at the referral source website of your online store. For example www.facebook.com
Referrer name The name of the referral source from which customers who placed orders reached your online store, such as Google, Facebook, Instagram or TikTok, etc. For direct sources, if the referral source cannot be determined, the name appears as N/A.
Referrer path The referrer page path from the referral source to your store for customers who place an order. For example, /products/shirt.
Referrer source Shows how customers arrive at your store. Possible situations include:
  • Social: Customers click on links on social media to come to your store.
  • Direct: Customers enter your store’s URL into their browser.
  • Search: Customers click on your store from a search engine’s results page.
  • Others: Sources that do not meet any of the above conditions. Traffic recommendation sources are sometimes impossible to determine, so it is common for unknown traffic sources to appear.
Referrer URL Display the URL link where customers arrive at your store.
UTM content The utm_content parameter, the media type you set to identify the content of the marketing activity.
UTM medium The utm_medium parameter, the media type you set to identify the marketing activity.
UTM name The utm_campaign parameter, the name you set for the UTM campaign when you set it up.
UTM source The utm_source parameter, the source channel specified for the UTM campaign when you set up the campaign.
UTM term The utm_term parameter, the date range you specify for the UTM campaign when you set up the campaign.


The common metrics used in the report are as follows:

Metric Definition

Sales = Subtotal - Discount Amount + Shipping + Commodity Tax + Tip + Shipping Tax - Points deduction + Rounding Adjustment Amount + Duty - Refund Amount

If an order undergoes multiple edits (such as reduction of products, returns or refunds), the sales of products will be negative.

Sales quantity Equal to the number of units sold. When editing an order to reduce products, product sales will be deducted.
Orders The total number of orders created in the store.
Average order value Average order value = Total sales/ Order quantity
Units per transaction Units per transaction = Sales quantity/Orders
Sales percentage Sales percentage = Sales/total sales of the selected products
Pageviews The number of views of products.
Sessions Sessions of product detail page.
Add-to-cart The number of clicking the Add to cart button.
Add-to-cart sessions The number of sessions who clicked the Add to cart button.
Reached checkout  The numbers reached the checkout page.
Reached checkout sessions The sessions who reached the checkout page.
Add-to-cart conversion rate Add-to-cart conversion rate = Add-to-cart sessions/sessions.
Reached checkout rate Add-to-cart conversion rate = Reached checkout sessions/Add-to-cart sessions.


Search Conversions over Time

This report shows the conversion of visitors who have searched for products in your online store. By calculating the time sequence of the visitor search conversions, the report visualizes the data distribution in funnel shape: Sessions with searches ≥ Sessions with clicks ≥ Sessions with add-to-carts ≥ Sessions with reached checkouts. These metrics can help you understand the conversion rate of searches into sales in your store. 

Due to search tracking, the report does include all searches in your store within, the last 24 hours, and the data is traceable to February 27, 2023 only. If you want to view any date before this date, no result will be displayed.

You can view data groups by day, week, or month. You can also compare data across date ranges. The common metrics used in the report are as follows:

Metric Definition
Day The time when visitors searched for products in online stores. 
Sessions with search The number of sessions searching in a store.
Sessions with clicks The number of sessions who searched in a store and clicked on a product from the search page.
Sessions with add-to-carts The number of sessions who searched in a store clicked on a product from the search page and added that product to their shopping cart. (indicating the number of visitors who clicked the Add to cart button only, excluding the number of visitors who clicked the Buy Now or Paypal button.
Sessions with purchases The number of sessions who searched in a store clicked on a product from the search page, added that product to their shopping cart, and ultimately completed the checkout process.
Click rate

The percentage of sessions who clicked on a product after searching.

Click rate = Sessions with clicks/Sessions with search

Add-to-cart rate

The percentage of sessions who added products to their carts after searching for and clicking on them.

Add-to-cart rate = Sessions with add-to-carts/Sessions with search

Purchase rate

The percentage of sessions who reached the checkout after searching for, clicking on, and adding products to carts.

Add-to-cart rate = Sessions with purchases/Sessions with search



Creating Custom Reports

If you are more concerned about the comparative growth trend of the conversion rates via Facebook in the last 30 days, you can perform the following operations:

  1. In your SHOPLINE admin, go to Analytics > Reports.
  2. In the Actions section, click Conversion rate over time.
  3. Select Last 30 days from the drop-down list of the Date range.
  4. Select the desirable time range from the expanded area of the Compare.
  5. Click Manage filters and select Referrer name as Facebook.
  6. You can click Edit, select or remove metrics on the displayed Edit window, and click Update to validate the updated header.
  7. Click Save as. On the displayed Enter report name window, enter the Comparison of Facebook Conversion Rates in the Last 30 days, and click Completed.
  8. After the custom report is completed, you can view it in the Custom reports area.


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