Customers reports provide you with customer-related information, including the average order amount and total sales.
The method by which the reports are generated suggests that they do not display all activities on your store in the last 24 hours. However, when clicking By date range or Sales of new and returning customers, you can view the latest data in one to two minutes. You can reopen or refresh the report to update data.
In This Article
Common Metrics
The following table provides the common metrics in customers reports:
Metric | Definition |
Customers | Customers who have completed orders within your selected time range. Note: Customers are only calculated when orders are successfully created. No new customers are generated when orders are edited. |
Average order amount | The average value of orders placed by customers within your selected time range. Average order amount = Accumulated order amount/Accumulated successful orders. |
Accumulated order amount | The total sales (excluding refunds) spent by customers from their first order until the present. |
Accumulated orders | The total number of orders placed by customers from their first order until the present. |
Common Dimensions
The following table provides the common dimensions in customers reports:
Dimensions | Explanation |
New customers | Customers with only one order record in your store. |
Returning customers | Customers with more than one order record in your store. |
Loyal customers | Customers who have placed orders in your store and are likely to place orders again. By definition, loyal customers are returning customers who placed their last order less than or equal to 30 days and last visited the store less than or equal to 14 days. |
At-risk customers | Customers who have placed orders in your store but are at risk of attrition. By definition, at-risk customers are returning customers who placed their last order more than 90 days ago or last visited the store more than 30 days ago. |
First day of orders | The date when customers place orders for the first time. |
First week of orders | The Monday of the week in which customers place orders for the first time. |
First month of orders | The month in which customers place orders for the first time. |
First year of orders | The year in which customers place orders for the first time. |
Last day of orders | The date when customers place orders for the last time. |
Last week of orders | The Monday of the week in which customers place orders for the last time. |
Last month of orders | The month in which customers place orders for the last time. |
Last year of orders | The year in which customers place orders for the last time. |
Viewing Customers Report
- From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Analytics > Reports.
- Select to view any of the following customers reports:
- By date range
- Sales of new customers and returning customers
- Customer group analysis
- Display customers by location
- Returning customers
- One-time customers
- Loyal customers
- At-risk customers
By Date Range
This report displays the customers for different customer types (new and returning) within your selected time range. This allows you to learn about the distribution and trends in their numbers.
You can select a time unit from the Time unit drop-down menu to manage how the data is grouped. If there are two types of customers, the report table shows two rows for each time unit: one for new customers and one for returning customers.
For example, if Jennie placed her first order in your store at 10:00 AM on February 17, 2023, and then placed another order at 2:00 PM on the same day, she transitioned from being a new customer to a returning customer. When you view the report by day, the number of customers on February 17, 2023 is 1 (1 new customer; 1 returning customer). When you view the report by hour, the number of customers at 10:00 AM on February 17, 2023 is 1 (1 new customer), and at 2:00 PM on the same day, the number of customers is also 1 (0 new customers; 1 returning customer).
Sales of New Customers and Returning Customers
This report displays the sales overview for new and returning customers within your selected time range. If there are two types of customers, the report table shows two rows for each time unit: one for new customers and one for returning customers. New customers are those placing orders in your store for the first time, while returning customers are those whose order history already includes at least one order. For metrics about the sales order amount, refer to the Sales Report section.
Customer Group Analysis
This report provides data on customer acquisition and retention.
"Group" is a group of customers with similar characteristics. In this report, the system groups customers based on the first day of orders. You can use this report to identify valuable customers among returning customers and formulate effective business strategies by comparing data, such as retention rates, net sales, and subtotal, across different cohorts. The report includes the following dimensions:
Dimensions | Explanation |
Cohort | Customers are grouped into cohorts for different time periods based on the first day of orders. |
Acquisition period |
The period corresponding to the first day of orders of each cohort (unit: day, week, month, year, etc.). Example: If a cohort places the first order in your store on September 1, 2022, the acquisition year for this cohort is 2022, the acquisition month is September 2022, the acquisition week is August 29, 2022 (the Monday in the week of September 1, 2022 falls on August 29, 2022), and the acquisition day is September 1, 2022. |
This report includes the following metrics:
Metric | Definition |
Retention rate |
Retention rate = Retained customers/New customers grouped based on the first day of orders. Retained customers are those who place orders again in the subsequent analysis cycle after placing their first order. Example: In September 2022, if 100 customers place orders in your store for the first time, you acquire 100 new customers. Then, 20 of them place orders again in October, and 15 of them place orders again in November, we can draw the following conclusion: For September 2022, retained customers = 100; retention rate = 100/100 = 100% For the first month following September 2022, retained customers = 20; retention rate = 20/100 = 20% For the second month following September 2022: retained customers = 15; retention rate = 15/100 = 15% |
The cohort retention table provides retention rates and sales data by week, month, or quarter for each cohort since their acquisition period. Each row represents the lifecycle of a cohort from the same acquisition period. You can customize the cohort table by selecting a date range and time unit. These options help you manage both the cohort retention table and the cohort retention line chart.
Example: If John places orders in your store for the first time in February 2023, and then places orders again in June 2023 and September 2023. If you select a date range of 2023 and a time unit of a month in the cohort retention table, John belongs to the cohort of February 2023 and is considered a retained customer in the 4th month and the 7th month. You can switch metrics, such as retention rate, customer, net sales, subtotal, and average order value, from the drop-down menu. The second column presents aggregated metric values based on cohorts.
Note: The retention table does not display data for the current time period. Customer group analysis requires customers to place orders again after their first order, which means that the analysis can only be calculated after a full time cycle is completed. For example, if it's currently April 2023, and you select a date range of the past 6 months and a time unit of a month, you can only view data up to March 2023. Additionally, data for a specific time period is displayed 24 hours after the end of that time period.
The cohort retention line chart provides the retention rates for selected cohorts within the selected date range. By default, it displays the retention rates for all cohorts. You can select specific cohorts from the drop-down metrics menu and decide whether to include the acquisition period as the first analysis period by checking Include acquisition period box.
Display Customers by Location
The system organizes customers based on the geographical location of their default address in your SHOPLINE admin panel. This report displays accumulated order amount, accumulated orders, and customers based on customers' default locations. To view and modify the default address of customers, go to Customers > Customer details in your SHOPLINE admin panel. The report includes the following dimensions:
Dimensions | Explanation |
Country/Region | The default country/region address of customers, which may be different from the shipping address in the orders record. |
Province/State | The default province/state address of customers, which may be different from the shipping address in the orders record. |
City | The default city address of customers, which may be different from the shipping address in the orders record. |
Returning Customers
This report displays information of customers with two or more order records, including email address for the order, customer name, first day of orders, last day of orders, average order amount, accumulated order amount, and accumulated orders.
One-time Customers
This report displays information of customers with only one order record, including email address for the order, customer name, first day of orders, average order amount, accumulated order amount, and accumulated orders.
Loyal Customers
Loyal customers are those who have placed orders in your store and are likely to place orders again. By definition, loyal customers are returning customers who placed their last order less than or equal to 30 days and last visited the store less than or equal to 14 days. This report displays information of loyal customers, including email address for the order, customer name, first day of orders, last day of orders, average order amount, accumulated order amount, and accumulated orders.
At-risk Customers
By definition, at-risk customers are returning customers who placed their last order more than 90 days ago or last visited the store more than 30 days ago. This report displays information of at-risk customers, including email address for the order, customer name, first day of orders, last day of orders, average order amount, accumulated order amount, and accumulated orders.
Custom Customers Report
You can manage your customer information with features such as Manage filters and Export data.
If you want to send an email to your regular customers to promote your new products and encourage them to back to the store for purchase, you can perform the following steps:
- From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Analytics > Reports.
- In the Customers section, click Returning customers.
- In the Manage filters, set the filter as Returning customers and is YES.
- In the Edit slider, select Email address for the order and Customer name. You can also delete other metrics and click Update to apply your header.
- Click Export data to export the report as a CSV file and send the campaigns notification to all email addresses in the file.