Marketing reports are powerful tools that provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. They go beyond simply presenting visitor traffic and sales figures. These reports offer actionable data that can empower you to make data-driven decisions based on key metrics such as website traffic, sales performance, conversions, and attribution models.
Upon opening the marketing reports, you'll see the latest data, which may take approximately 1-2 minutes to refresh. You can reopen or refresh the report to view updated data.
In This Article
- Referrer Sources and Interactions
- Order Attribution Window
- Common Dimensions and Descriptions
- Common Metrics and Definitions
- Viewing Marketing Reports
Referrer Sources and Interactions
The channel through which a customer reaches your store is called a referrer source. This could be a search result, an ad link, or a website, for instance. By understanding referrer sources, you can attribute sales to the channels customers use. This is a standard method for analyzing and attributing sales.
A customer may enter your store through multiple referrer sources, or from different ads within the same referrer source platform. Therefore, referrer sources are categorized as either first interaction or last interaction:
- The referrer source that introduced the customer to your store is classified as First Interaction.
- The referrer source the customer visited before placing an order is classified as Last Interaction.
Learn how the classification is made in the following two examples. Tom clicks on a Facebook ad, which brings him to your store for the first time, and he immediately purchases a product. In this case, both the first interaction and last interaction referrer are Facebook. Your ad is credited with driving this sale.
On the other hand, Jennie clicks on a Facebook ad, which brings her to your store for the first time, but she leaves without making a purchase. A week later, she searches for her desired product on Google and finds an ad link leading her to your store. Jennie enters the store and eventually completes an order (this sale is a last interaction conversion). In this order, the first interaction referrer source is Facebook, and the last interaction is Google Ads.
Order Attribution Window
To better distinguish between first and last interaction sources, SHOPLINE implements a 30-day order attribution window. If a user does not make a purchase within 30 days of their initial visit to your store, their first and last interaction will be recalculated with a new 30-day window.
For example, Jay visited your store on January 1st by directly entering your online store URL in his browser. Despite multiple visits, he didn't make a purchase. Then, on February 15th (more than 30 days since his first visit, with no interaction records found within the preceding 30-day window), he clicked on your store ad from Facebook and placed an order. In this case, both the first and last interactions for this conversion would be attributed to Facebook, rather than the direct URL entry on January 1.
Common Dimensions and Descriptions
Metric | Description |
UTM content | The utm_content parameter you set to identify the content of the marketing campaign when you set up a UTM campaign. |
UTM medium | The utm_medium parameter you set to identify the media type of the marketing campaign when you set up a UTM campaign. |
UTM name | The utm_campaign parameter you set to identify the marketing campaign (i.e., the name of the UTM campaign) when you set up a UTM campaign. |
UTM source | The utm_source parameter you set to identify the source channel of the marketing campaign. |
UTM term | The utm_term parameter you set to identify the date range of the marketing campaign when you set up a UTM campaign. |
Referrer site | The referrer source website where the customer who placed the order landed on your online store. For example, |
Referrer name | The referrer source name where the customer who placed the order landed on your online store, such as Google, Facebook, Instagram or TikTok. For direct sources, if the referrer source cannot be determined, the name is displayed as N/A.. |
Referrer path | The referrer source path where the customer who placed the order landed on your online store. |
Referrer source | It indicates how customers arrive at your store. Possible values include:
Referrer URL | The referrer source URL where the customer arrived at your online store before placing an order. |
Sales channel | The name of the channel or app that the customer used to place an order, such as the online store or But Button. For sales originating from draft orders created in the admin panel, the reported sales channel will be displayed as N/A. |
First interaction | The name of the first referrer source where the user entered your online store within the 30-day window before the order creation date. |
Last interaction | The name of the last referrer source where the user entered your online store within the 30-day window before the order creation date. |
Landing page URL | The URL of the landing page the customer reached on your website during their last interaction. |
Landing page path | The path of the landing page the customer reached on your website during their last interaction. |
Landing page host | The website of the landing page the customer reached on your website during their last interaction. |
Common Metrics and Definitions
Metric | Definition |
Sales (first interaction) | The sales attributed to the first interaction. |
Orders (first interaction) | The number of orders attributed to the first interaction. |
Average order value (first interaction) | Average order value (AOV) calculated based on first interaction (AOV = Sales / Orders). |
Sales (last interaction) | The sales attributed to the last interaction. |
Orders (last interaction) | The number of orders attributed to the last interaction. |
Average order value (last interaction) | Average order value (AOV) calculated based on last interaction (AOV = Sales / Orders). |
Viewing Marketing Reports
To access the marketing reports, go to the Analytics > Reports section. Available reports are provided in the Marketing tile.
Sessions Attributed to Marketing
This report displays the number of visitor sessions driven by different UTM marketing campaigns. This report uses the following metrics:
Metric | Definition |
Sessions |
The number of sessions driven by UTM campaigns, that is, any visitor session coming from an UTM campaign whose name is not empty is included. Note: The Sessions metric only applies to your online store channel. A visitor may have multiple sessions. A visitor session ends after 30 minutes of inactivity or at midnight (UTC). For example: Customer A visits your store through social media and then visits again a few days later. Although it is the same Customer A, the sessions will be 2. |
Sales Attributed to Marketing
This report displays sales generated by different UTM marketing campaigns.
Metric | Definition |
Sales | The sales from orders generated by your marketing campaigns, that is, the sale of an order from an UTM campaign whose name is not empty is included. |
Conversion by First Interaction
This report shows the number of orders and average order value attributed to the first interaction. POS orders and draft orders created in the admin panel are excluded. Order attribution data is available starting from April 7, 2022 (Beijing Time). Orders created after September 20, 2023, use a standardized attribution model.
Conversion by Last Interaction
This report shows the number of orders and average order value attributed to the last interaction. POS orders and draft orders created in the admin panel are excluded. Order attribution data is available starting from April 7, 2022 (Beijing Time). Orders created after September 20, 2023, use a standardized attribution model.
Attribution Model Comparison
This report compares the number of orders and average order value attributed to the first interaction and last interaction. POS orders and draft orders created in the admin panel are excluded. Order attribution data is available starting from April 7, 2022 (Beijing Time). Orders created after September 20, 2023, use a standardized attribution model.