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Orders Reports

The Orders section within SHOPLINE's Reports module includes five essential reports: Payment success rate, Display orders by time range, Product orders and returns, Fulfillment over time, and Fulfillment time. These reports provide valuable insights into order-related data across all sales channels.

This guide defines the key metrics for each report, empowering you to quickly understand and analyze crucial information. With these insights, you can effectively optimize your sales strategies and streamline your order management processes.


In This Article



Accessing the Orders Reports

To access the order-related reports, go to Analytics > Reports > Orders in your admin panel. When you open a report, the system will load the latest statistical data within 1-2 seconds. To update the data, simply reopen or refresh the report.


Payment Success Rate

This report provides detailed insights into your order payment performance within a selected date range. It displays the total number of payment attempts, the number of successful payments, and the overall payment success rate. By analyzing this data, you can identify opportunities to optimize your payment process and improve sales performance. To visualize data trends, use the dropdown menu to switch between different line graphs. 

The key metrics used in this report include:

Metric Definition
Total payments The total number of orders placed in your store that generated a payment request.
Successful payments The number of orders where the payment process was completed successfully.
Payment success rate The percentage of successful payments, calculated as the number of successful payments divided by the total number of payment attempts.



Displaying Orders by Time Range

This report shows the trend in the number of orders across the selected date range and sales channels. You can view key metrics such as the number of orders, average units ordered, average order amount, and returned quantity from the drop-down menu located in the upper-left corner of the report.

You can also compare the order data with the previous period or the same period last year by selecting Compare: Previous date or Compare: Previous year. To visualize the data, you can specify the line chart you'd like to see, with the selected date range marked by a solid blue line and the benchmark date range indicated by a dotted blue line. Hovering over the legend below the line chart will help you differentiate these ranges. 

The key metrics used in this report include:

Metric Definition
Orders The total number of successfully created orders.
Average units ordered The average quantity of items per order, calculated by dividing the total quantity of ordered products by the number of orders.
Average order amount The average value per order, calculated by dividing the total sales amount by the number of orders.
Returned quantity The total quantity of products returned, which includes items reduced through order editing, deleted products, and successfully returned products.



Product Orders and Returns

This report displays the quantity of products ordered, the returned quantity, and the return rate across the selected date range and sales channels.

From the drop-down menu, you can choose to display a bar chart showing the top-ordered products, the top-returned products, or the products with the highest return rates.

The report includes the following key metrics:

Metric Definition
Ordered products The total quantity of items ordered in valid transactions, including items added through order editing.
Returned quantity The total quantity of products returned, including items reduced through order editing, deleted items, and successfully returned products.
Return rate Calculated by dividing the returned quantity by the ordered products, this metric indicates the proportion of returned items relative to total orders.



Fulfillment over Time

This report shows the number of fulfilled orders across the selected date range and sales channels.

You can compare fulfilled orders with those from the previous period or the same period last year by selecting the Compare: Previous date or Compare: Previous year option. You can also specify the line chart to view, with the selected date range marked by a solid blue line and the benchmark date range indicated by a dotted blue line. Hovering over the legend below the line chart will help you differentiate these ranges.

This report uses the following metric:

Metric Definition
Fulfilled orders The total number of orders that have been shipped, either in full or partially.



Fulfillment Time

This report displays the fulfillment time of orders that have been fulfilled across the selected date range, sales channels, shipping companies, and shipping cities.

The report uses the following metric:

Metric Definition
Fulfillment Time This is the time difference between when an order's status is changed to "partially shipped" or "shipped" and when the order was successfully created.


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