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Inventory Reports


SHOPLINE offers 7 inventory reports, each with specific metrics that provide valuable insights into your product's end-of-month inventory, sell-through rate, days of inventory remaining, graded inventory analysis, the inventory value, and more. Learn about each inventory report and the metrics in this article.

Keep in mind that the reports only include products with sales in the past year, and it may take 12-72 hours for inventory changes to be reflected in the reports.

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In This Article



Sell-through Rate

This report displays the starting quantity, ending quantity, sales quantity, and sell-through rate of each product and its variants within the selected time period. It includes the following common dimensions:

Dimension Description
Product Name The title of the product. If the product name is changed after customers place orders, the report will display the latest product name.
Product image The main image of the product. The report displays the latest image.  If you have not provided any image for the product, this field will be left empty.
Product ID The unique identifier for the product.
Multivariant specification The different variants of the product, such as a Red * L T-Shirt.
Multivariant ID The unique identifier of the product’s variants.
SKU The identification code of the product’s variants.
Reporting days The count of days of the selected time period.
First day of report The first date within the selected time period that the product is included in the report analysis period.
Last day of report The last date within the selected time period that the product is included in the report analysis period.


The report includes the following common metrics:

Metric Definition
Starting quantity The tracked inventory quantity of products and variants at the beginning of the selected time period. The value can be negative.
Ending quantity The tracked inventory quantity of products and variants at the end of the selected time period. The value can be negative.
Sales quantity The number of units sold for the products and variants during the selected time period.
Average pieces sold per day The sales quantity of products and variants during the selected time period divided by the reporting days.
Percentages sold The percentage of sales quantity for products and variants compared to their initial quantity within the selected time period. The value can be greater than 100%, less than 0%, or displayed as N/A.
Sell-through Rate The sales quantity of products and variants divided by the sum of (sales quantity + the number of items remained in inventory).



Days of Inventory Remaining

This report lets you know how many days it would take to sell your remaining inventory, based on your average sales rates for each product and variant. It includes the following common dimensions:

Dimension Description
Product Name The title of the product.
Product ID The unique identifier for the product.
Multivariant specification The different variants of the product, such as a Red * L T-Shirt.
Multivariant ID The unique identifier for the product’s variants.
SKU The identification code of the product’s variants.
Product grade The grade based on the percentage of sales contributed by each variant in the past 28 days.
Created in last 28 days Indicates whether the variants were created within the last 28 days.
Tracked inventory Indicates whether the variants have inventory tracking enabled. If you didn’t select Track quantity with orders in the Products module, this field will be marked as No.


The report includes the following common metrics:

Metric Definition
Days of inventory remaining The Ending quantity divided by the Average pieces sold per day. This metric helps you estimate how many days are left before the inventory runs out.
Ending cost The latest cost for the products and variants.
Ending price The latest price of the products and variants.
Cost recorded Indicates whether the product’s or variants’ cost has been recorded. If no cost has been entered in the Products module, this field will be marked as No.
Sales quantity It indicates how many of a product have been sold in the past 28 days. The sales quantity may be negative If you have made changes to orders within the past 28 days, such as reducing the quantity of products or issuing cancellations or refunds.
Ending quantity The inventory quantity as of the last day of the selected time period. The value can be negative.
Total value (cost)

The total value of the product inventory, calculated based on the cost. Total value (cost) = ending cost * ending quantity.

If the ending quantity is less than 0, the total value (cost) will be 0.

Total value (price)

The total value of the product inventory, calculated based on the price. Total value (cost) = ending price * ending quantity.

If the value of the ending quantity is less than 0, then the total value (price) will be 0.



Graded Inventory Analysis

This report provides a bar chart that displays the total value (price) by product grade (A, B, and C), helping you understand how different product grades are distributed in your current inventory in terms of value. Utilize this report to prioritize which products to restock and avoid investing too much in certain products. Running out of A-grade products may result in missed sales opportunities while having excessive C-grade products can lead to unnecessary storage costs. For more information about ABC analysis, refer to the ABC Analysis article.

Only those products with sales quantity in the past year are included in the analysis, with sales quantity calculated based on the previous four weeks (28 days). The data is updated daily to provide the latest information. Below are the dimensions included in this report:

Dimension Description
Product Name The latest title of the product.
Multivariant specification The specification of a variant. The field is blank if no information is provided.
SKU The identification code of a variant. The field is blank if no information is provided.
Product grade The grade is determined based on the percentage of sales contributed by each variant in the past 28 days.
Created in last 28 days Indicates whether the variants were created within the last 28 days.
Tracked inventory Indicates whether the products and variants have inventory tracking enabled. If you didn’t select Track quantity with orders in the Products module, this field will be marked as No.
Ending cost The latest cost of a variant.
Ending price The latest price of a variant.
Cost recorded Indicates whether the variants’ cost has been recorded. If no cost has been entered in the Products module, this field will be marked as No.


Below are the metrics included in this report:

Metric Definition
Sales quantity It indicates how many of a product have been sold in the past 28 days. The sales quantity may be negative If you have made changes to orders within the past 28 days, such as reducing the quantity of products or issuing cancellations or refunds.
Ending quantity The latest tracked inventory quantity of variants. The value can be negative.
Average pieces sold per day Average daily units sold for a variant within the reporting days. The value = sales quantity / reporting days
Total value (cost)

The total value of the product inventory, calculated based on the cost. Total value (cost) = ending cost * ending quantity.

If the ending quantity is less than 0, the total value (cost) will be 0.

Total value (price)

The total value of the product inventory, calculated based on the price. Total value (cost) = ending price * ending quantity.

If the value of the ending quantity is less than 0, then the total value (price) will be 0.



Percentage of Inventory Sold

This report displays the percentage of units sold for each variant within the selected date range. For more common metrics in the report, refer to the Sell-through Rate Report.

Metric Definition
Percentages sold The percentage of sales quantity for variants compared to their initial quantity within the selected time period. The value can be greater than 100%, less than 0%, or displayed as N/A.



Average Pieces Sold per Day

This report displays how many pieces sold per day for each variant within the selected date range. For more common metrics in the report, refer to the Sell-through Rate Report.

Metric Definition
Average pieces sold per day The sales quantity of variants during the selected time period divided by the reporting days.



Month-end Inventory Snapshot

The Inventory Report provides a month-end inventory snapshot and helps track the quantity and percentage of inventory sold each day.

This report displays the quantity of each variant in stock at the end of every month. Data is available starting from July, 2022.

Metric Definition
Ending quantity The remaining inventory quantity of products at the end of each month.
Inventory value The cost of the products multiplied by the ending quantity.



Month-end Inventory Value

This report displays the month-end quantity and inventory value for variants with recorded costs. Data is available starting from July, 2022.


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