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Grouping Shipping Locations


When you set up a new shipping plan, the system automatically generates a default grouping that includes all the locations capable of fulfilling orders for you. However, by customizing the groupings, you can manage the delivery locations and set different shipping rates based on where the orders are fulfilled, thereby reducing shipping costs and enhancing your shipping strategy.


In This Article



Matching Shipping Locations and Rates

When configuring location grouping, you can align order items and delivery regions with available shipping locations, assessing whether their combined inventory meets purchase criteria. For qualifying orders, the system calculates shipping rates, enabling customers to select their preferred delivery method. This optimizes your shipping scheduling process and enhances customer satisfaction. Refer to the following example for more details.


Illustration Example

In this example, we illustrate how product inventory is distributed across different locations and the associated shipping priorities. Suppose you have shipping locations in New York, the United Kingdom, Singapore, and Tokyo. You can configure orders from the US to be fulfilled through the NY and SG warehouses, UK orders to be shipped from the UK warehouse, and orders in Japan to be dispatched from Tokyo.

Product Inventory Distribution

Delivery Location Shipping Priority Cap  Shirt Shoes
New York  1 5 1 Not stocked 
United Kingdom 2 Not stocked  5 Not stocked 
Singapore 3 1 Not stocked  5
Tokyo 4 5 6 1


Shipping Plans

Shipping Plan Product Type Location Group Delivery Region Shipping Rate
General shipping rate Caps, Shirts Default warehouse - Tokyo Japan Fixed rate of 100 JPY
US warehouse - NY, SG United States  Fixed rate of 10 USD
UK warehouse - UK United Kingdom Fixed rate of 8 GBP
Custom shipping profile 1 Shoes Default warehouse - UK Not applicable Not applicable
US warehouse - NY, SG United States Fixed rate of 20 USD 
Singapore Fixed rate of 30 SGD
Japan warehouse - Tokyo Japan Fixed rate of 200 JPY
Singapore Fixed rate of 40 SGD


Example Scenarios for Shipping Location Match

Order allocation is based on shipping location priority and the following rules:

  • The system attempts to allocate the order to a single location.
  • The system assigns order items to locations with sufficient inventory without splitting items among different locations.
  • If a product is oversold, allocate the order to the priority location with that product in stock.
Delivery Region Order Details Matching Conditions Shipping Location 
United States 1 cap
  • Matched shipping location: NY, SG
  • Inventory: Sufficient stock in NY and SG
  • Shipping priority: NY > SG
1 cap from New York
Singapore 6 pairs of shoes
  • Matched shipping location: NY, SG, Tokyo
  • Inventory: No stock in NY and insufficient stock in SG and Tokyo
  • Shipping priority: SG > Tokyo
6 pairs of shoes from Singapore
United States 7 caps
  • Inventory: Insufficient stock in all supported locations
Not available
United States 6 caps and 1 shirt

6 caps: 

  • Matched shipping location: NY, SG
  • Inventory: Insufficient stock in NY and SG
  • Shipping priority: NY > SG

1 shirt: 

  • Matched shipping location: NY, SG
  • Inventory: No stock in SG while sufficient in NY
6 caps and 1 shirt from New York 
United States 6 caps, 1 shirt, and 5 pairs of shoes

6 caps: 

  • Matched shipping location: NY, SG
  • Inventory: Insufficient stock in NY and SG
  • Shipping priority: NY > SG

1 shirt: 

  • Matched shipping location: NY, SG
  • Inventory quantity: No stock in SG while sufficient in NY

5 pair of shoes: 

  • Matched shipping location: NY, SG
  • Inventory: No stock in NY while sufficient in SG

The entire order cannot be fulfilled by one location. 

Therefore, 6 caps and 1 shirt will be shipped from New York, while 5 pairs of shoes will be dispatched from Singapore.


Example Scenarios for Shipping Rate Calculation 

Based on the product items and delivery regions, the system matches the shipping locations and calculates the shipping rates for the orders. The calculation of shipping rates follows the rules below:

  • The system matches shipping plans based on order items.
  • The system matches shipping locations based on delivery regions and verifies if they have sufficient inventory.
  • In the same shipping plan, if multiple rates are available, customers can choose the lowest-priced option during checkout for rates with the same name.
  • In different shipping plans, combined rates are available for selection at checkout, collectively named "shipping" in cases with different names.
  • When the shipping currency differs from the customer's purchase currency, the order and rate amounts will be converted to the store's currency for calculation.
Delivery Region Order Details Matching Conditions Shipping Rate 
United States 1 cap
  • Matched shipping plan: General shipping rate
  • Matched shipping location: The US warehouse, fulfilled by NY and SG
  • Inventory: Sufficient 

Fixed rate of $10 USD

Singapore 6 pairs of shoes
  • Matched shipping plan: Custom shipping profile 1
  • Matched shipping location: The US and the Japan warehouses, fulfilled respectively by NY, SG and Tokyo
  • Inventory: Sufficient 
  • Fixed rate of $30 SGD 
  • Fixed rate of $40 SGD
United States 7 caps
  • Matched shipping plan: General shipping rate
  • Matched shipping location: The US warehouse, fulfilled by NY and SG
  • Inventory: Insufficient
Not available
United States 6 caps and 1 shirt

6 caps: 

  • Matched shipping plan: General shipping rate
  • Matched shipping location: The US warehouse, fulfilled by NY and SG
  • Inventory: Sufficient 

1 shirt: 

  • Matched shipping plan: General shipping rate
  • Matched shipping location: The US warehouse, fulfilled by NY and SG
  • Inventory: Sufficient 
The two product items are included in the same shipping plan and are subject to the same shipping rate: a fixed rate of $10 USD.
United States 6 caps, 1 shirt, and 5 pairs of shoes

6 caps: 

  • Matched shipping plan: General shipping rate
  • Matched shipping location: The US warehouse, fulfilled by NY and SG
  • Inventory: Sufficient 

1 shirt: 

  • Matched shipping plan: General shipping rate
  • Matched shipping location: The US warehouse, fulfilled by NY and SG
  • Inventory: Sufficient 

5 pairs of shoes: 

  • Matched shipping plan: Custom shipping profile 1
  • Matched shipping location: The US warehouse, fulfilled by NY and SG
  • Inventory: Sufficient 

Caps and shirts are included in the same shipping plan and are subject to the same shipping rate: a fixed rate of $10 USD. Meanwhile, shoes are part of a different shipping plan with a distinct rate: a fixed rate of $20 USD.

Total: Fixed rate of $30 USD



Creating a New Location Group

Create a new location group in the shipping plan to specify regions and rates. For instance, if you have global shipping locations in Singapore and the UK, and a US-only location in New York, move the New York location to a new group. Then, establish unique regions and rates for shipments originating from that location.

Note: This setting won't exclude the US from the first shipping location group in Singapore and the UK. The US remains in both groups, allowing shipments from either. For exclusive US shipping through the new New York location, remove the US from the first Singapore and UK group's delivery regions.
  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Settings > Shipping and Delivery.

  2. In the "Shipping fees" section, click on the shipping plan you want to edit.

  3. In the grouping management section, click Manage group > Add Group.

  4. On the pop-up "Add group" window, enter the group name and click Add.

  5. Add the delivery addresses you want to transfer to the new group. Also, set the zones and shipping rates for it. Then, click Update to save the changes.



Adding Locations to a Group

To add a location to an existing location group, follow these steps:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Settings > Shipping and Delivery.

  2. In the "Shipping fees" section, click on the shipping plan you want to edit.

  3. In the grouping management module, select the desired group tab. Then, click Add in the "Delivery address" section.

  4. On the pop-up window, check the location you want to add to the group and click Complete.

  5. Add shipping zones and shipping rates if needed. Then, click Update to save the changes.


  1. After adding a delivery location to a customized group, that location will be automatically removed from the default group.
  2. You can still add disabled locations to any of the created groups. However, they will not be available for selection at checkout.



Deleting Locations from a Group

In the event that you need to delete locations from a customized group, follow the steps below: 

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Settings > Shipping and Delivery.

  2. In the "Shipping fees" section, click on the shipping plan you want to edit.

  3. Select the desired group, click Check details in the "Delivery address" section.

  4. Click on the delete icon on the location you want to remove.

  5. On the pop-up warning window, click Delete.

  6. Once configured, click Update to save the changes.
Note: After deleting a delivery location from a customized group, it will be moved back to the default group.  


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