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Enabling Shared Inventory

When you sell the same products both in SHOPLINE and other channels like Amazon, eBay, Shopee, Lazada, and Zalora, you can maintain separate inventories for SHOPLINE and other channels, or share the same inventory among all your sales channels to reduce the risk of overselling and drive efficiency.


In This Article



Connecting SKUs

It's important to connect SHOPLINE SKUs and channel SKUs before enabling shared inventory. View the connected SKUs between SHOPLINE and channels in the Inventory module of Multichannel Connect.

Learn how to connect SHOPLINE SKU and Channel SKU(s).

1-1 connected sku.png



Enabling the Shared Inventory Feature

If you have connected the SKUs and would like to share your SHOPLINE inventory with other channels, you can enable the Shared Inventory feature. 


Setting up Rules

  1. Go to SHOPLINE App Store, find and install the Multichannel Connect app if you haven’t. 
  2. In your SHOPLINE admin panel, Multichannel Connect becomes one of the Channels. Open it and go to the Settings tab > Product settings.
    2-2 product settings.png
  3. In the Shared inventory section, click the Rule Settings button.
    2-3 rule settings.png
  4. In the Stores where rules apply section, select the scope of channel stores where you want to share inventory (all channels, selected channels, or selected channel stores). In the Shared inventory update rules section, specify the SHOPLINE locations that will share inventory with each channel store. 
    2-4 scope and locations.png

    • If you choose to share your SHOPLINE inventory with all channels or selected channels, stores from these channels that are authorized after the Shared Inventory feature is enabled will automatically take effect.
    • The channel stores must be paired with one or more SHOPLINE locations, or their inventory won’t be updated. Please also note when importing channel order to SHOPLINE, SHOPLINE inventory updating will fail if you haven't enabled The inventory at this location is available for online sales for those SHOPLINE locations. Go to Settings > Location > Location management in the SHOPLINE admin panel and check shipping details for each location. 


Turning on This Feature

After setting up the rules, go back to the Product settings page, turn on the Shared inventory toggle, and confirm to enable this feature.
2-5 turn on.png

  • Once turned on, the available inventory for channel SKUs will be updated based on SHOPLINE's available inventory immediately. Also, if the inventory of SHOPLINE SKUs changes, channel inventory will be updated automatically in real time. Please note that updating the channel inventory won’t affect the SHOPLINE inventory.
  • According to your SHOPLINE inventory strategy, channel inventories will be updated based on the following rules: 
    • If your SHOPLINE SKUs don't track quantity with orders, then the channel inventories will be updated to 999.
    • If your SHOPLINE SKUs track quantity with orders and can be sold when out of stock, then the channel inventories will be updated to 0 when the stock of SHOPLINE SKUs is less than 0. 
  • Due to channel API limitations, channel inventory cannot be updated when the channel SKU is in the following statuses.
    • Amazon: When the fulfillment method of the Amazon SKU is FAB, the stock can not be updated directly. Please go to your Amazon store and manage the inventory in Inventory > FBA inventory
    • eBay: The stock of products for Auction can only be set to 1 and can not be changed. And when eBay listing is Ended or Completed, all information of the product can not be updated.


Turning off This Feature

If you no longer want to share inventory, turn off the toggle to disable it. Please note when you turn off the feature, it cannot be turned on within 30 mins.
2-6 turn off.png



Reasons for Changes in the Available Inventory of SHOPLINE SKUs

Shared inventory is based on the available inventory of SHOPLINE SKUs maintained by the merchant in the SHOPLINE store. When the available inventory of SHOPLINE SKUs changes, it is automatically updated to that of the associated channel SKU. There are two reasons why the available inventory of SHOPLINE SKUs changes:

You Manually modify the available inventory of SHOPLINE SKUs

You can manually modify the available inventory of SHOPLINE products from either of the following places:

  • Products > Inventory
    3-1 SL inventory editing.png
  • Multichannel Connect > Inventory from your SHOPLINE admin panel.
    3-2 MCC inventory editing.png


Note: If you use a third-party software or service to connect with SHOPLINE, it may also automatically update SHOPLINE SKUs’ available inventory through API.


SHOPLINE Orders lead to inventory changes

When generating/updating/canceling SHOPLINE orders or performing returns or refunds, the available inventory of SHOPLINE SKUs will be affected accordingly. For example, the inventory may be deducted when customers place an new order in your SHOPLINE store or the system imports orders from other channels into SHOPLINE. On the other hand, canceling an order may replenish the inventory.

Note: Multichannel Connect supports importing channel orders into SHOPLINE for unified management of orders and inventory. For details, refer to Automatically Import Multichannel Orders to SHOPLINE.



Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for product information in my SHOPLINE store to be automatically updated to the Multichannel Connect app?

  • When you install the app for the first time, SHOPLINE store products will be automatically synced to the app.
  • If you add/delete/update products in the SHOPLINE store, the system will update the SHOPLINE products in the app in real time.


How long does it take for product information in my channel store to be automatically updated to the Multichannel Connect app?

  • When you authorize the channel store to SHOPLINE for the first time, the products in the channel store will be automatically synchronized to the app.
  • If you add/delete/update products in the Amazon store, the system will update the products in the app in real time. But for eBay/Shopee stores, since the platforms’ API doesn't push Webhook messages, you need to sync channel products manually.
  • You can manually synchronize the latest product information at any time.


Will inventory changes of channel products affect the inventory of SHOPLINE SKUs?



After the channel generates an order, will the available inventory of the associated SHOPLINE SKU be changed?

If you have turned on the Automatically import channel orders to SHOPLINE feature, then when Multichannel Connect successfully retrieves a new channel order and imports it into SHOPLINE, the available inventory of SHOPLINE SKUs may be automatically updated based on the inventory strategy you specified. 


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