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SmartIntellect: Authorizing Meta Assets


SmartIntellect supports various sales channels. Follow the instructions in this article to complete asset authorization before making the most of Meta platforms.


In This Article



Before you Start

Before you connect to Meta, make sure that you have prepared the following advertisement assets and have the necessary management permissions.



Authorizing Meta Assets

To authorize your Meta assets, follow the steps below:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Apps and open SmartIntellegent. Install it from the App Store if you haven’t.
  2. Switch to the Connection tab and click Add source in the upper right corner to start connection.
    2-2 Google add source.png

  3. Choose Meta.
    2-3 meta.png

  4. Enter a  name for your identification. Then click Connect.
  5. In the authorization window that appears, select and log in to your Meta Account, and click Continue as [Your name].
    2-5 meta.png

  6. Follow the instructions on the screen to select your business account and Page and click Next.
  7. Grant SHOPLINE the access to your Meta Account and click Done.
    2-7 meta.png

  8. Click OK and you will be redirected back to SmartIntellect.
  9. Click the Meta source you just connected.
    2-9 meta.png

  10. In the Account setting tab, click the New BM account button to associate your Business Manager account.
    2-10 meta.png

  11. Click the New AD account button to associate your ad account.
    2-11 meta.png

  1. Currently, we have a limit for the number of accounts that you can connect. If you need to connect more accounts, contact your account Merchant Success manager.
  2. After the asset is successfully connected, data from the past 90 days will be automatically captured. If you need data within a specific time range, contact your account Merchant Success manager.



Disconnecting Meta Assets

In the authorized Meta asset, hover over the three-dot icon of the Business Manager or ad account, and select Cancel account link or Cancel Ad account link to disconnect your assets. You will no longer be able to manage advertisements and view the advertisement data on the system.
3-1 meta.png



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