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Integrating Klaviyo with Shopper App

Klaviyo is a marketing automation tool that helps you improve your marketing efforts through channels like email, push notifications, and SMS. When you integrate your mobile app with Klaviyo, you can send automated and targeted push notifications. This integration allows you to:

  • Send push notifications automatically based on how users interact with your app

  • Send location-based push notifications to users

  • Boost sales by sending personalized push notifications

  • Support both iOS and Android platforms


In This Article



How to Connect Klaviyo

If this is your first time integrating Klaviyo, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Connect on your Shopper App page.
  2. Submit the connection application.
  3. Set up push notifications in Klaviyo.


If this is not your first time integrating Klaviyo, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Set up push notifications in Klaviyo.
  2. Connect on your Shopper App page.
  3. Submit the connection application.


Connecting to iOS Devices

  1. Navigate to the push notification page in the Klaviyo settings page and click Edit for iOS.
    1-1-1 Klaviyo iOS.jpg
  2. You will be redirected to your iOS push settings popup and please fill in the information.
    1-1-2 Add iOS credentials.png
    • APNS Authentication Key: visit Apple Developer, click on Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, and click keys.
      • Click ‘+’ to add key
        1-1-2.1.1 Apple Developer APNS Key.png
      • Input key name and enable Apple Push Notifications service (APNs), and click Continue
        1-1-2.1.2 Apple Developer APNS Key.png
      • Hit Download.
        Note: This APN can only be downloaded once after registration. After the first download, please save it locally and do not delete it!
    • Key ID: You can check the Key ID in View Key Details.
      1-1-2.2 Apple Developer Key ID.png
    • Team ID: visit the Membership details page in Apple Developer to check Team ID details.
      1-1-2.3 Apple Developer Team ID.png
    • Bundle ID: You can find the Bundle ID under App information in App Store Connect.
      1-1-2.4 ASC bundle ID.png
      Note: You need to have submitted the initial release application and the Shopper App must be created in App Store Connect before you can view the Bundle ID!
  1. Fill in the above information into the Klaviyo iOS settings page and click Save.


Connecting to Android Devices

  1. Navigate to the push notification settings page in Klaviyo, and click Edit for Android.
    1-2-1 Klayviyo Android.png
  2. Fill out the Add Android Credentials pop up window.
    1-2-2 Add Andriod credentials.png
    • Package Name: Please visit the Google Play Console page, click on your app, then click on Setup > App signing on the left sidebar to view the package name.
      1-2-2.1 package name.png
    • Google Service Account Key: Navigate to the Firebase overview page, click on settings, go to the Service accounts tab, and click Generate new private key button.

      Note: You need to have submitted the initial release application, and the Shopper App must have been created in Firebase/Google Play before you can view or download the package name and Google Service Account Key.
  1. Fill in the above information into the Klaviyo Android settings page and click Save.

Connecting in Shopper App

  1. Go to Apps > Shopper App > App Publish > Application Integration
    1-3-1 application integration settings.png
  2. Click Edit under Klaviyo.
    1-3-2 Klaviyo.png
  3. Input Project Name / Public API Key in the popup window.
    1-3-3 Klaviyo project name API Key.png



Invite Shopper App to Your Klaviyo Account

To ensure that the initial integration can smoothly send push notifications, please follow the instructions below to invite Shopper App to join your account for push testing.


Invitation Steps

  1. Navigate to the Users page in Klaviyo settings and click Add new user.
    2-1 Klaviyo add new user.png
  2. Enter the email address and role.
    2-2 email and role.png
    • Email: appstore.shopperapp@shopline.com
    • Role: Manager
  3. Select Add user to send the invitation.

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