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Integrating Bloomreach with Shopper App


As the number of mobile app users continues to grow, mobile strategy is becoming an increasingly important part of overall marketing strategy. Having additional channels to reach users can provide a competitive advantage. You can integrate Bloomreach Engagement with your Android or iOS mobile app and send your customers engaging, personalized push notifications.


In This Article



Connecting Bloomreach

If you are publishing the Bloomreach integration for the first time: Connect on your Shopper App page > Submit a publishing request > Set up push notifications in Bloomreach.


If you have already done the Bloomreach integration: Set up push notifications in Bloomreach > Connect on your Shopper App page > Submit a publishing request.


Connecting to iOS Devices

  1. Open Engagement Web app and go to Data & Assets > Integrations, and hit + Add new integration.
    1-1-1 bloomreach add integration.png
  2. Find Apple Push Notification Service and click +Add integration. 
    1-1-2 select APNS.png
  3. Read and agree to the Terms and conditions. 
    1-1-3 accept t&C.png
  4. You will be directed to the iOS push notification setup page, and input the column as below:
    1-1-4 fill in info.png
    • API: select Production
    • Team ID: visit the Membership details page in Apple Developer to check Team ID details
      1-1-4.2 team id.png
    • Key ID / ES256 Private Key: visit Apple Developer, click on Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, and click keys.
      • Click ‘+’ to add key
        1-1-4.3.1 add key.png
      • Input key name and enable Apple Push Notifications service (APNs), and click Continue
        1-1-4.3.2 continue.png
      • Hit Download.
        Note: This APN can only be downloaded once after registration. After the first download, please save it on the device and do not delete it!
    • Bundle ID: You can find the Bundle ID under App information in App Store Connect.
      1-1-4.4 buildid.png
      Note: You need to have submitted the initial release application and the Shopper App must be created in App Store Connect before you can view the Bundle ID!
  1. After filling in the above information, click Save Integration.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Project settings > Channels > Push notifications > iOS Notification and set Apple Push Notification Service, then select Apple Push Notification Service from the dropdown menu.
    1-1-4.5 build id.png


Connecting to Android Devices

  1. Open Engagement Web app and go to Data & Assets > Integrations, and hit + Add new integration.
    1-1-1 bloomreach add integration.png
  2. Click on Firebase Cloud Messaging.
    1-1-6 enable APNS.png
  3. After downloading the key from Firebase, insert the key into the field on the Firebase Cloud Messaging integration settings page, and click Save integration.
    1-2-2 firebase cloud messaging.png
    • Navigate to the Firebase overview page, click on settings, go to the Service accounts tab, and click Generate new private key button.
Note: You need to have submitted the initial release application and the Shopper App must be created in Firebase/Google Play before you can view or download the package name and Google Service Account Key.


Connecting in Shopper App

  1. Go to Apps > Shopper App > App Publish > Application Integration
    1-3-1 app integration edit.png
  2. Click Edit under Bloomreach.
    1-3-2 bloomreach edit.png
  3. Input the information in the popup window.
    1-3-3 bloomreach info.png



Invite Shopper App to Join Your Bloomreach Account

To ensure the first integration can successfully send push notifications, please follow the instructions below to invite Shopper App to your account for push testing.


Steps to invite:

  1. Navigate to Settings in the left sidebar.
  2. Click on User Management.
  3. Click the Add New User button.
  4. Fill in the user information, including email address, and select their site access and role.
    2-4 invite.png
    • Email: appstore.shopperapp@shopline.com
    • Role: Project Developer
  5. Click Add New User.



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