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Enabling Google Account Login/Signup for Your App


In addition to allowing customers to register using their email, Shopper App offers the option to log in or sign up using their Google or Facebook account, making the registration and login process quicker and easier. This article focuses on how to integrate Google Account Login with your Shopper App. For Facebook account login, refer to Enabling Facebook Login/Signup for Your App.

The one-click Google account login feature, developed by Google, requires obtaining a client ID and client secret from Google Cloud. To complete this integration, follow the outlined steps carefully. If you encounter any discrepancies or issues, capture screenshots of your process and consult with your Merchant Success manager for further assistance.

Note: Since Google account login setup requires your app data, it is advised to enable this feature only after the first successful app release.


In This Article



Obtaining iOS and Android Credentials

Go to Google Cloud and log into your Google account. If your previous app has already integrated Google account login, you may skip these steps if you followed the same process.

Note: To set up Google account login for your app, use the same Google account that  you enabled Google account login for your online store with. If you haven't created a Google application, refer to Enabling Login with Google to create a web application before proceeding.


Adding an iOS Credential

  1. In Google Cloud, go to Credentials > Create Credentials > OAuth Client ID.
    1-1-1 google cloud OAuth client id.png
  2. In the Application type field, select iOS.
    1-1-2 iOS type.png
  3. Enter the Bundle ID and App Store ID.
    1-1-3.0 reuqired iOS info.png
    • Bundle ID: Find it in Apple’s App Store Connect. Go to General > App Information and copy the Bundle ID.
    • App Store ID: Also in App Store Connect, go to General > App Information, copy the Apple ID.
      1-1-3.1 bundle id apple id.png
  4. Click Create to generate the Client ID for  iOS. Copy it for later use.
    1-1-4 copy client id.png

Adding an Android Credential

  1. In Google Cloud, go to Credentials > Create Credentials > OAuth Client ID.
  2. In the Application type field, select Android.
    1-2-2 Android type.png
  3. Enter the Package name and SHA-1 certificate fingerprint.
    1-2-3.0 android required info.png
    • Package name: Find it in Google Play Console. Go to Setup > App signing and scroll down to the Digital Asset Links JSON section, then copy the package name in the code block.
      1-2-3.1 package name.png
    • SHA-1 certificate fingerprint: Also in Google Play Console, go to Setup > App signing. Scroll down to the App signing key certificate section and copy the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint.
      1-2-3.2 SHA-1.png
  4. Click Create.



Enabling and Setting Up Google Account Login

Once you've created iOS and Android apps in Google Cloud and obtained the required credentials, return to your SHOPLINE admin panel to complete the configure Google Account Login.

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Apps > Shopper App.
  2. Go to the App Publish tab and click the Edit button in the Application integration section.
    2-2 shopper app integration.png
  3. In the Social Login section, turn on the toggle of Google Account Login. If you haven't published your app via Shopper App or in any other way before, the toggle will be unavailable.
    2-3 enable google account login.png
  4. In the pop-up dialog, enter the iOS Client ID, Web Client ID, and Web Client Secret, then click Add to complete the setup.
    2-4 fill in.png



Special Notes

  • If your app is already published and integrated with Google Account login, avoid modifying iOS Client ID、Web Client ID and Web Client secret. Any changes will disable Google account login for the current app version. If changes are necessary, you'll need to submit a new version for review, and customers must update the app to enable Google account login again.
  • Per Apple's requirements, apps that support third-party logins must also support Sign in with Apple. If Google Account Login is enabled, Sign in with Apple will be automatically activated. If you disable Google Account Login without integrating Facebook Login, Sign in with Apple will also be disabled.


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