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Understanding the Login/Signup Methods for Your App


With one account to log in to both your online store and app, customer information, including personal information, membership assets, and orders, are seamlessly synchronized. This ensures a unified customer experience without the need to manage two separate customer profiles. 

Shopper App supports multiple ways for your customers to register with and log in to your app. This article provides you an overview of login/signup methods.


In This Article



Supported Login/Signup Methods

Shopper App offers multiple login/signup methods, covering most of your business needs.



How Customer Information is Displayed in the App

The accounts for both your online store and the app are fully synchronized. Customers can log in using the same account and password without needing to create a new account. Once logged in, all information will be updated across platforms, ensuring a seamless experience without the need for managing two profiles.

After logging in, customers can view the following information within your app:

  • Personal Information: Customers can access their name, email, subscription details, address, etc.
  • Membership: This section will be available if you have installed the Member System app. It allows customers to view their assets like points and rewards.
  • Orders: Customers can view all orders placed on both the online store and the app.
  • Wishlist: Customers can view all items saved to their wishlist from both the online store and the app.
Customer Login Portal Personal Information Membership Orders
1 login portal.png 2 personal info.png 3 member.png 4 orders.png

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