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Processing Your Orders


After a customer places an order through any of the sales channels you provide, it will be listed in the Orders section of your SHOPLINE admin panel. The next step is for you to start processing the payment and fulfilling the order. 


In This Article



Upon Receiving an Order

Once an order is placed, you will:

  • Send a notification email to the customer.
  • Receive a confirmation email for the new order at your default email address.
  • Find this new order listed in the Orders section of your admin panel.
  • Begin processing the order.   
Note: To enable automatic sending of the order confirmation email to the customer who placed the order, go to Settings > Notifications > Orders and check the Order Confirmation option.  



Capturing Payments

Once you have confirmed the placement of an order, it's essential to capture the payment as soon as possible. By default, payments made using SHOPLINE Payments or any other additional payment methods are automatically captured. However, you may also choose to capture payments manually and/or provide deferred payment options.


Capturing Payments Manually

If your store is configured to capture payments manually, you will find orders awaiting payment capture in the Authorized status. To manually capture payments, follow these steps:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Orders
  2. Select the specific order for which you want to capture payment.
  3. Find the Authorized section, then click Capture payment.
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  4. If your payment method supports partial payment capture, you have the option to adjust the payment amount in the text box. Click Complete to complete the payment capture.
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Note: To check whether your store captures payments automatically or manually, go to Settings > Payments, and click Manage in the Payment capturing method section. 


Updating Payment Status

If you accept deferred payments and have orders that are unpaid or partially paid, you can change the payment status after receiving the full payment. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Orders
  2. Select the specific order for which you want to modify the payment status.
  3. In the Payment section, click Mark as Paid.
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  4. A confirmation message will appear. Click OK to complete the status update.
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Note: For a more comprehensive understanding of payment statuses, please refer to the Order-related Statuses section in the Introduction to Orders article.


Updating Payment Status in Bulk

In addition to updating the payment status for a single order, you can also update the statuses for a batch of orders at once.

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Orders
  2. On the Order list page, select the orders for which you want to modify the payment statuses.
  3. Click the Mark order as paid button.
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  4. A confirmation message will appear. Check the Send an email notification to the customer option if necessary. Then, click Complete to complete the updates.
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Fulfilling Orders

Once the payment for an order is captured, you can proceed to fulfill the order. The fulfillment process typically includes tasks such as picking and packing items, conducting quality control, labeling packages, providing tracking information, and ensuring seamless shipping. Below are some common actions you can take after shipping the orders.


Updating Shipment Status

When a buyer places an order and you have already shipped the package, it's important to promptly update the order's status and the shipping information. 

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Orders.
  2. Select the order for which you want to modify the shipment status.
  3. In the Shipment section, click Mark as shipped.
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  4. Enter the tracking number and the logistics service provider. Check Notify the customer if needed. Then, click Mark as shipped.
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Updating Shipment Status in Bulk

If you have processed the shipments for a batch of orders and want to update their shipment statuses all at once, follow the steps: 

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Orders.
  2. On the Order list page, select the orders for which you want to modify the shipment statuses. 
  3. Click the Ship products in bulk button.
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  4. A confirmation message will appear. Check Send an email notification to the customer if necessary. Then, click Complete to complete the updates.
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Adding Tracking Information

Once an order is shipped, you can assign a tracking number to it, enabling your customers to receive real-time updates about their purchases on the carrier's website.

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Orders.
  2. Select the order to which you want to add tracking information.
  3. In the Shipment section, click Add tracking information.
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  4. Enter the tracking number and select the logistics service provider. Check Notify the customer if needed. Then, click Update.
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Adding Tracking Information in Bulk

You can efficiently assign tracking numbers to multiple orders and update relevant information, including tracking numbers for shipped packages, using a .xlsx, .xls, or CSV file.

  1. On the Order list page, click Update tracking numbers in the upper right corner.
  2. A small window will appear, allowing you to both export the order list and upload the file for modifying logistics tracking numbers. Click Export shipped orders to download the order list.
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  3. In the Export shipped orders window that follows, specify the export range and click Export to initiate the download.
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  4. After updating the tracking numbers for the orders using the file, return to the admin panel and click Update tracking numbers once more. Upload the file, and then click Import to complete the update.
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Canceling Shipment

If you ever need to cancel the shipment for an order that has already been dispatched, follow these steps:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Orders.
  2. Select the specific order for which you want to cancel the shipment.
  3. In the Shipment section, click the More options (...) icon and select Cancel shipment.
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  4. Review the warnings displayed in the pop-up window, and click Confirm if you decide to proceed with the cancellation.
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Archiving Orders 

By default, orders that are paid and shipped will be automatically archived and hidden from the order list. If you ever need to manually archive an order, please refer to Archiving Orders for more information.


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