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Managing Abandoned Checkouts


In the Abandoned Checkouts section of the Orders module, SHOPLINE collects abandoned checkouts that include customer information like contact details, selected products, marketing preferences, shipping address, delivery method, and payment information. This data is provided by customers during the checkout process. You can analyze these abandoned checkouts and take action, such as sending recovery emails with links to complete the purchase.

Note: SHOPLINE only aggregates abandoned checkouts from the Online Store and Buy Button sales channels. Abandoned checkouts from third-party platforms like Facebook and Instagram are not supported.


In This Article



Viewing Abandoned Checkouts

Abandoned checkouts where customers provided contact information but didn't complete the purchase are listed in the Abandoned Checkouts section. Note that not all required checkout details might be included, as they depend on the information provided by the customer.

Checkouts that customers complete without receiving recovery emails are hidden from the list once they're closed. Those completed after receiving a recovery email are marked as completed and recovered.

Note: SHOPLINE retains abandoned checkout records for the past 180 days. Older records are automatically deleted.


To view abandoned checkouts, go to Orders in your SHOPLINE admin panel and click Abandoned Checkouts.1.0.png

Searching and Filtering Abandoned Checkouts

  • You can filter abandoned checkouts using Send status, Recovery status, and More filters like Messages sent.
  • To search by product name, enter the name in the search box.
  • You can also filter by checkout amount. For example, to find checkouts between $2 and $40, select More filters > Checkout amount, enter "2" and "40," then click Confirm.
Note: SHOPLINE now supports filtering abandoned checkouts by updated time, allowing you to retrieve active abandoned checkout data.


Editing Columns

Customize the Abandoned Checkouts list by selecting the columns you want to display. Click Edit columns, choose your desired items, and drag and drop them to rearrange.


Exporting Abandoned Checkouts

To track abandoned checkouts and create a retargeting campaign, export the data for analysis. In the Abandoned Checkouts section of the Orders module, click Export at the top of the page. Specify the desired export range and click Export.

Please note that Excel spreadsheets have a maximum row limit of 1 million. For large numbers of abandoned checkouts, export in batches. Batches are processed sequentially, which can increase export time.



Sending Recovery Emails for Abandoned Checkouts

SHOPLINE helps improve conversions by allowing you to send recovery emails with links to abandoned checkouts. These emails can be sent manually or automatically.

Note: For detailed information on abandoned checkout recovery emails, see Recovering Abandoned Checkouts.


Sending Recovery Emails Manually

To send recovery emails, you can use the Abandoned Checkouts list or the individual checkout details page.

  • In the Abandoned checkouts list: Click the Send email button in the Actions column to send an email to a specific checkout. You can also select multiple checkouts and click Batch send emails in the menu bar to send emails in bulk.
  • In the abandoned checkout details page: In the Send this URL to the customer so they can complete their order easily section, click Send a recovery email to send the email. The sent time is displayed once the email has been sent.
  • Recovery emails can be sent only once every 24 hours for each abandoned checkout.
  • If a customer creates a new abandoned checkout within the set recovery time, the previous recovery attempt is canceled to avoid confusion.
  • If an abandoned checkout is successfully recovered via email, no additional emails can be sent.
  • SHOPLINE automatically removes unavailable products when sending abandoned checkout recovery emails. For example, a deleted product is removed from the email. If all products in an abandoned checkout are deleted, the email is not sent, and the abandoned checkout link becomes invalid.


Setting Up Automated Recovery Emails

The automatic email-sending feature for abandoned checkouts (old version) is no longer supported. As of July 1, 2023, this functionality has been moved to SmartPush. This powerful marketing app offers enhanced features and services. For more information, please refer to the SmartPush Abandoned Checkouts Recall Emails article.


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