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Configuring Collection Image with Mega Menu Builder

If you have image collections that you want to highlight for your customers, the Mega Menu feature makes it easy to design store pages with a sleek image presentation that captures your customers' attention. The Mega Menu not only helps you design theme styles that suit your collection style, enhancing your brand image but also lets you configure site navigation to improve your site's overall user experience. 


In This Article



Features Effect Diagram

Impress - Display Cover Images of Collections

Templates with similar effects include Arise and Solid.

Expect - Display the Latest Updated Products under the Second-level Classification

Templates with similar effects include Control, Soo, Blouse.




Setting Path

Configuring Navigation

To achieve the desired effect shown in the image above, you should configure a menu column. The configuration path for this is Online Store > Navigation. Additionally, the second-level menu in this navigation should align with a particular product category, and there should be a third-level menu under this product category for it to be functional. Refer to the sheet below for the specific format:

For example:

First-Level Menu Second-Level Menu Third-Level Menu
SHOP WOMEN'S (display category cover) Jackets
MEN'S (display category cover) Jackets
PACKS & GEAR (display category cover) Wallets
HOME (display category cover) Furniture
COLLECTIONS MORE (don't display cover image) /
FASHION (don't display cover image) /
SS21 SHOW / /


Configure the menu column based on the store's classification hierarchy:


Displaying Mega Menu Image

In Component > Homepage > Header > Menu bar, select the configuration menu shown above and turn on the Display super menu image switch (you can preview the effect). For specific examples, refer to the features effect diagram at the top of the page.


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