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Guide to Automatic Billing Deduction

This article explains how bills are generated, how to manage unpaid bills, and how to bind credit cards. With straightforward insights, we aim to make your subscription payment process smooth and hassle-free.


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Auto Billing Scenarios and Deduction Procedures

When a store's plan expires or meets the transaction fee drawing conditions, a pending bill is generated. If the store is bound to credit cards, the system automates fee deductions in the following scenarios:

  • If a pending bill is generated and the store is bound to credit cards, the system automatically deducts fees.
  • If the store is initially without any bound credit cards, fees are automatically deducted upon successfully binding the first credit card.
  • The system prioritizes deducting fees from the default bound credit card. If unsuccessful, it attempts deductions from other cards, moving from newest to oldest based on the card binding time, with a maximum of three retries at 00:00 AM (UTC+08:00) on the following day.



Management of Unpaid Bills

  • Following the generation of the transaction fee bill, it is essential to settle the payment within two days; otherwise, the store will be frozen and closed. The restriction is lifted once the bill is paid.
  • In case your plan expires, the system offers an additional 7-day grace period. It is imperative to promptly renew the plan within this timeframe, as indicated on the SHOPLINE admin panel. Failure to do so will result in the store being frozen and closed.



Supported Credit Cards for Binding

For successful binding, please use credit cards supported by SHOPLINE. Currently, the platform supports the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.



Billing Generation Guidelines

Transaction Fee Bill

  • The transaction fee bill is generated when the cumulative transaction fee flow amount reaches the standard amount, such as USD 70 for the United States, USD 70 for mainland China, and GBP 60 for the United Kingdom.
  • By default, the system generates a transaction fee bill for flows that do not reach the standard amount on the 1st day of every month at 00:00 AM (UTC+08:00). (The transaction fee flow amount must exceed the minimum payment amount set in the payment channel.)

Plan Bill

  • When automatic renewal is enabled, the system generates a pending bill for the next cycle after the current plan expires.



Binding and Unbinding Credit Cards

Steps to Binding Credit Cards 

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Settings > Plan.
    5.1.1 Settings _ Plan.png

  2. Within the Payment Method section, locate the Current bound cards module, and click on Add a bank card.
    5.1.2 Click Add a bank card.png

  3. On the pop-up Add credit card window, enter the credit card information and click OK. Once verified, your credit card is successfully bound.
    5.1.3 Fill out info _ OK button.png
  • Upon the initial credit card binding to a store under the merchant account, you may receive a small verification bill (around 1 USD). This deducted amount is automatically refunded to your credit card account within 7 working days.
  • Subsequent bindings of the same credit card to other stores under the same account do not require payment of the verification bill.
  • You can set a credit card for default deductions in each of your stores.


Steps to Unbinding Credit Cards 

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Settings > Plan.
    5.2.1 Settings _ Plan.png

  2. Within the Payment Method section, locate the Current bound cards module. Then, hover over the credit card you want to unbind and click Unbind.
    5.2.2 Click Unbind.png

  3. On the pop-up warning window, click Save.
    5.2.3 Click Save.png

After successfully unbinding the card, the system will no longer automatically deduct fees from this card when the store generates bills for a plan or transaction fees.


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