This guide explains how to set up affiliate and order review methods within SHOPLINE's Affiliate Marketing System. You can choose to manually review them yourself or automate the process for a smoother workflow.
In This Article
Setting Up the Affiliate Review Method
The Affiliate Marketing System allows you to approve affiliates either manually or automatically. Once approved, affiliates can promote your products to their customers, and earn a commission when customers purchase using their unique links or discount codes.
Here's how to configure your affiliate review method:
- In the Affiliate Marketing System, go to Settings > Review and approval settings.
- In the Affiliate approval section, choose your preferred review method:
Automatic: The system automatically reviews the affiliates upon application submission. You can choose between:
- Approved immediately after registration: Approves affiliates instantly after receiving their applications.
- Approved after a certain period of time after registration: Sets a waiting time for affiliate applications. After this period, the system automatically approves them.
- Manual: Requires you to manually review and approve each affiliate application.
Automatic: The system automatically reviews the affiliates upon application submission. You can choose between:
- Click Update to save your settings.
Note: You can modify the affiliate review method at any time. After changes are made, affiliates will be reviewed and approved according to the latest settings.
Setting Up the Order Review Method
The Affiliate Marketing System allows you to review and approve referral orders. These orders undergo a review process after they are created. You can configure how you want them to be reviewed.
Note: Unapproved orders or those still within the commission lockup period won't be reflected in your latest bills. |
Here's how to configure your order review method:
- In the Affiliate Marketing System, go to Settings > Review and approval settings.
- In the Order approval section, choose your preferred review method for referral orders:
Automatic: The system automatically reviews referral orders based on the condition you select. You have several options:
- Approved immediately after order generation: The system instantly approves the order upon creation.
- Approved after a certain period of time after order generation: Sets a review waiting time for order approval. After this period, the system automatically approves them.
Approved when all items in the order have been delivered: Orders are automatically approved when all items within the order show a delivery status of Delivered.
Note: Delivery statuses are usually updated by a third-party system (OMS/ERP). If you choose this automatic order review method, please ensure that your third-party system synchronizes order delivery statuses with SHOPLINE to ensure proper order review.
Automatic: The system automatically reviews referral orders based on the condition you select. You have several options:
- Manual: Requires you to manually review and approve each referral order.
- Click Update to save your settings.
Note: You can modify the order review method at any time. After changes are made, referral orders will be reviewed and approved according to the latest settings.