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Fixing Credit Card Binding Issues


Streamlining your SHOPLINE payments with a bound credit card for automatic billing deduction is convenient, but occasional hiccups can occur. This guide identifies common card binding issues and their solutions, empowering you to fix things fast and get back on track.


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Troubleshooting Common Card Binding Issues


Incorrect CVV

This 3-digit or 4-digit code printed on your card ensures secure transactions. Double-check your entries and ensure you're using the correct CVV from the designated field on your card.


3D Secure Authentication Not Activated

This security layer, provided by card issuing banks, protects your online transactions. If your card isn't activated for 3D Secure, card binding with SHOPLINE may fail. Contact your issuing bank for activation procedures.


3D Secure Authentication Failure

Another common reason for failed binding is the incorrect input of the 3D secure code. Ensure you're entering the correct dynamic passcode (like a mobile verification code) sent by your bank during the binding process. 


Unsupported Credit Card

Not all cards are compatible with SHOPLINE. Currently, we support Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. Choose a different card if yours isn't listed.



Tips for Binding UnionPay Cards 

If you prefer to use a UnionPay debit card for payment binding, please consider the following:

  • Consider a UnionPay credit card: UnionPay debit cards issued by some banks may lead to card binding failures or payment issues. You should use a UnionPay credit card if you have one.

  • Opt for Bank of China cards: UnionPay debit cards issued by Bank of China have a higher success rate in card binding and payment processing. Debit cards from other banks may result in card binding failures or payment issues in the following scenarios:
    • Cards from China Merchants Bank, Industrial Bank, China Everbright Bank, and Bank of Beijing may go through card binding and the first payment but may encounter problems during the second payment.
    • Cards from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, and Bank of Communications may encounter problems during card binding and the first payment.

  • Check your balance: A verification amount of 4 RMB is required for binding a UnionPay debit card, which will be refunded in seven working days. Please ensure your balance is sufficient.

  • No CVV? No problem: Due to policy updates on UnionPay bank card issuance, some early-issued UnionPay debit cards may lack CVV. You can enter a random 3-digit value when binding the card and making payments.


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