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Guide to Meta (Facebook) Multi Pixels

Facebook is a key channel for independent site advertisement. Currently, SHOPLINE allows you to link a single pixel from the admin panel. With the Meta (Facebook) Multi Pixel app, you can link Facebook Pixels to your store with one click, helping track advertisement performance, as well as configure multiple pixels.


In This Article




To link multiple Facebook Pixels, please refer to the following steps:

  1. Go to the SHOPLINE app store and install the Meta (Facebook) Multi Pixels app.


  2. Click Add pixel and enter the Pixel ID to complete the installation.


Note: If you are using SHOPLINE's Facebook ads placement services, contact your traffic business manager or traffic operations manager to obtain the Facebook ads pixel ID before linking.


  1. If you need to link multiple pixels, click Add on the app page.

  2. If you need to link different categories for reporting, follow the settings in the linking pop-up under Tracking classification.





Can I link multiple pixels to one store, and link the same pixel to multiple stores?

Yes. You can link up to 50 pixels to one store and link the same pixel to multiple stores.


What events does the current pixel support for reporting?

The pixel supports basic ecommerce events, including PageView, ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout, AddPaymentInfo, Purchase, Search, and CompleteRegistration.


Can I install the Meta (Facebook) Multi Pixels app and other tools to install pixels at the same time?

No. If you use custom code or other tools like Google Tag Manager (GTM) to install the pixel at the same time, it may lead to duplicate reporting issues.


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