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Setting Up Local Shipping

Support merchants to set up local delivery and provide delivery services for local customers. Choosing where to provide local delivery services, which regions to provide local delivery services for, and how to display relevant information during customer settlement are important things that you need to determine before the store officially operates locally. Only when local delivery is set up can local customers successfully place orders and pick up.


In this Article 



How To Navigate To Local Delivery Settings

There are two ways to access the local delivery settings module:

  • Method 1: For newly created stores, you can go to [Home] > [Shop Opening Guidelines] > [Set delivery Logistics] or [Set delivery method].

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  • Method 2: You can also navigate this setting through be accessed through [Settings] > [Shipping and Delivery] > Local Delivery.

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How To Set Up Local Delivery

Setting Up for Location

If you are setting up a new store, you'll need to access the location settings to edit the location data.

SHOPLINE automatically creates a default address for you. In order not to affect your store's performance in the future, please check and modify it first from your SHOPLINE Admin, go to [Settings] > [Location]


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To Add/ Edit Your Location

Click Add or directly click the Location to be edited.


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Fill in relevant location information and proceed to Add or Update to save the changes.


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Edit Local Delivery

First, please navigate to [Settings] > [Shipping and Delivery] > Local Delivery. In the Local delivery section, you can select the corresponding location and click Edit to start the editing process.


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On the Edit Local Delivery page, please check the box that says "Local delivery is available at this location"  and fill in all the details for "Set delivery area". Choose Update to save the changes.

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  1. One location supports up to 5 delivery areas.
  2. In a delivery area, the tiered setting in order conditions supports up to three price ranges.

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  3. Postal code matching rules:
    • Input information cannot be empty.

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    • The same area cannot have the same zip code.

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    • To include a set of postal codes, you need to add an asterisk (*) after the character that indicates the beginning of the range. For example: enter 233* to cover postal codes starting with 233.


  4. Add/remove co-location areas:
    To add a co-location area, please click "Add a delivery area" and fill in the relevant information.
    The Delete operation is supported as well, please refer to the position of the red box in the image below for details.

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