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Duplicating Data Between Stores

In SHOPLINE, you can quickly establish a new store using our duplication feature. This feature helps you copy essential data between stores for a fast setup and easy cross-store product selling. In this article, we'll walk you through the complete store duplication process, helping you boost operational efficiency.


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Duplicating Store Data: A Step-by-step Guide

To duplicate data from one store to another, follow the steps below:  

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to the store management page by clicking your store’s name and selecting Manage stores.
    • To perform store duplication, you must have more than two stores under the same SHOPLINE account.
    • To copy data from or to a store, ensure you have the necessary store duplication permissions. Contact the Administrator or Store Manager to request these permissions if needed.
  1. Click Duplicate store in the upper right corner.
  2. In the pop-up Copy data window, go through the following three-step duplication procedure.

    3.1 Select the copied store: Choose the store from which you want to copy the data and click Next.3.1.png

    Note: Inactive stores cannot be copied. Please activate the store before proceeding with the duplication process.

    3.2 Select the store to receive the data: Choose one or more stores to receive the data. Then, click Next.
    Note: For enhanced duplication efficiency, SHOPLINE recommends copying one store at a time. Selecting too many stores may lead to longer copying time and increased waiting period.

    3.3 Select copy data types: Choose the data types (e.g., products, themes, store settings) that you want to copy to the selected store(s).
    Type Option Description
    Products Created products

    Copy the specified store's products, including activated and deactivated ones, to other stores. After copying, products default to being deactivated and priced in the new store's currency without any currency conversion.

    Example: If a product is priced at USD 1 in Store A and copied to Store B (using Euros), the copied product in Store B will be EUR 1.

    Product collections After selecting products, choose whether to copy the associated collections.
    Themes Current theme Copy the configuration of the currently-used theme.
    Menu navigation Copy the menu navigation from the specified store to other stores.
    Custom pages Copy the custom pages from the specified store's Page management section to other stores.
    Blog tribe and blog page Copy the created blogs from the specified store to other stores.
    Store settings Tax rate settings Copy the consumption tax and freight tax settings from the specified store to other stores.
    Shipping Settings Copy the shipping settings from the specified store to other stores. If the receiving stores already have shipping settings, they will be overwritten.
    Logistics settings Copy the logistics settings from the specified store to other stores.
    Location Copy the location information of the specified location to other stores.
    Store staff  Copy method Add employees: Copy the selected staff from Store A to Store B. After a successful copy, Store B will have all the staff from both Store A and B.
    Update employees: Copy the selected staff from Store A to Store B. After a successful copy, all the staff members will be replaced with the selected staff members copied from Store A. 
    Select staff Select the employees to be copied from Store A to Store B. Please note that the Store manager's information can’t be copied.
  1. After selecting all the data to be copied, click Start copying.

Data copying may take time to complete. When you see the Successfully copied data to x shops message after copying a store, it means the process is complete. Visit the target store to review the copied data.

Note: Waiting time varies based on the size and extent of the data being copied. The more data there is, the longer the wait. Please be patient.


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