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Payment Currency


This article introduces the payment currency feature for stores.


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Payment Currency Modification

From your SHOPLINE admin panel, you can go to Settings > Basic Settings > Payment currency to view and modify your payment currency.

Settings_Basic Settings.png

The payment currency for the current store is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

Payment Currency 01.png


Note: Once a store meets either of the following conditions, you can’t modify the payment currency.
  • The store generates the first order.
  • The store has issued gift cards to at least one customer.


Before changing the payment currency, take note of the following considerations:

Changing the payment currency has a significant impact on the store’s data related to product prices and marketing discounts.

It is recommended that you make the following preparations before changing the payment currency:

  1. Close the store by going to Settings > Basic Settings > Store status. This avoids price errors that may occur due to the currency change and ensures that customers see accurate prices when placing orders.
  2. Disable your marketing activities in the Discounts module. After you change the payment currency, the thresholds and discount amounts of the marketing activities are updated to reflect the new currency. For example, if a previous activity offered a “Spend USD 100 and get USD 10 off” coupon, it should be revised to “Spend SGD 100 and get SGD 10 off” after the currency change. It is important to review and adjust the promotion prices and discounts accordingly to avoid any potential losses.


  1. Click Change currency.
    Payment Currency 02.png
  2. Click Continue to change.
    Payment Currency 03.png

  3. Select the new currency you need and click Change.
    Payment Currency 05.png

  4. Take your time to wait while the store processes the data.

    The store is currently undergoing maintenance to process historical data and transition to the new currency. During this time, the store is temporarily closed, your customer can’t visit the store, and you can’t perform operations on the admin panel.
    Payment Currency 06.png


    1. The duration of store closing depends on various factors such as the volume of data in your store, the complexity of your product catalog, and any ongoing marketing activities.
    2. During the data conversion process, there are specific changes in certain aspects of your store. An example is provided here for better understanding:
      • The product price is converted from USD 10 to SGD 10.
      • The minimum spending amount required for attending marketing activities is converted from USD 100 to SGD 100.


  5. After the data processing is completed, the preceding restrictions are lifted. Once all the data in the store has been updated to the new currency, the system lifts restrictions:

    • The store resumes normal operations.
    • Administrators regain access to the admin panel for regular operations.


    A message appears, indicating that the payment currency has been modified successfully.

    Payment Currency 07.png


    After changing the payment currency, take note of the following considerations:

    After changing the currency, examine the following aspects:

    1. Product price: Ensure that the product price has been updated to display in the new currency (such as from USD 10 to SGD 10) to avoid underpricing.
    2. Discount thresholds and amounts: Verify that the thresholds for discounts and discount amounts are set appropriately.
    3. Shipping and logistics: Review your shipping settings, including shipping fee calculations, to ensure that they align with your expectations.
    4. Visit your online store and go through the entire checkout process to confirm that all payment methods are functioning correctly.

    After examining the preceding aspects,

    restore your store to normal operation by going to Settings > Basic Settings > Store status. Continue to run your store.


Custom Currency Format

SHOPLINE’s Custom currency format feature supports the customization of currency display formats for 150 different currencies worldwide. SHOPLINE has already set the format, precision, and other details for each currency, ensuring that it meets your basic operational needs.

Please refer to this article for details.



Setting Up a Multi-Currency Store 

To cater to customers from different countries and regions, you can set up a multi-currency store. Install the Multi-language&multi-currency assistant app and customize it to your needs. 

For detailed instructions, refer to the "Multi-Language and Multi-Currency Assistant" guide.


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