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Google Analytics Setup

Setup Steps

Step 1: Create your Google Analytics Account

Log in to your Google Account and login with your Gmail, then visit the Google Analytics and click "Start measuring" to make settings for your account.


Step 2: Create an account

1. Account setup

  • Account name : Enter with one you can easily identify or your personal/company name then click「Next」.

2. Property setup

  • Please enter your store's name in the「Property name」and check your time zone. Then please click「Show advanced options」below.EN_Step1-2-2.png

3. Advanced Options

The GA4F(Google Analytics for Firebase), which was release by Google in the October of 2020 for collecting data from APP and website pages, will guide you to establish your property, while we still suggest that you may setup the classical GA to collect data and reports from the website. You can set the 4F property by GTM according to the website's situation later.

  • Please enter your URL(https),and select「Create a Universal Analytics property only」,then click「Next」.EN_Step1-2-3.png

4. About your business

Select and check all the information according to your company/store. Then click the「Create」.EN_Step1-2-4.png


Step 3: Accept Google Analytics Agreement

  • Change the Country/Region to your desired location
  • Check two columns「I also accept the Data Processing Terms as required by GDPR. 」and「I accept the Measurement Controller-Controller Data Protection Terms for the data that I share with Google」.
  • Click "I Accept".

Step 4: Set the tracking ID

Please copy the「Tracking ID」

Go back to the ADMIN「Settings」>>「Case tracking」and select "Google Analytics".

Paste the「Tracking ID」 in the column, and click「OK」.



Notice: Google Analytics starts collecting data after the setup is complete, and the data will not be updated immediately. It is conservatively estimated that the data could be fully displayed in Google Analytics after approximately 24-48 hours.

After installing Google Analytics, you can install Tag Assistant (Chrome plugin) separately to check if your GA is installed and working. Click to install Chrome extension: Tag assistant Chrome Tag assistant

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