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Customizing the Settlement Form and Checkout Security Information


SHOPLINE allows you to customize the settlement form and security information displayed during the checkout process. This not only helps you create a checkout experience for your customers, but also builds trust with them.


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Customizing the Settlement Form

Here's how to adjust the information customers need to provide at checkout:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Settings > Checkout Settings.
    1-1 Checkout settings.png

  2. In the Checkout Settings page, scroll down to the Settlement form section.
  3. This section lets you configure various fields, including:
    1-2 Settlement form.png

  • Full name
    • Enter name in full: A single field is displayed. This option is aligned with Asian naming conventions.
    • Enter first and last names separately: Separate fields for first name and last name are displayed. This option is aligned with European and American naming conventions.
    • Enter first and middle names (optional), and last name separately: This option is aligned with European and American naming conventions and also reduces the amount of fields needed to be filled in.
  • Company name: Make it required, optional, or hidden depending on your customer base.
  • Address line 2 (Apartment building, industrial unit): Make it required, optional, or hidden depending on your customer base.
  • Zip/Postal code validation: Check the box to verify postal codes based on the customer's country or region  and its format. For details, refer to Postal code validation.
  • Mobile phone number: Make it required, optional, or hidden depending on your customer base.
  • Order note: Make it optional or hidden depending on your customer base.
  • Billing address: Check the box to automatically set the shipping address as the billing address, saving customers time. Customers can still choose to enter a different billing address.
  • Autofill features: Enable this feature to provide address suggestions as customers fill out shipping and billing information.
  • Advanced address settings: This allows you to customize address fields to match specific country or region’s format and data. Click the Manage button that appears after you check the box to create/edit the address template or modify the address data.



Customizing the Checkout Security and Trust Information

To customize the payment security and after-sales guarantee information of your store displayed on the checkout page, follow the steps below:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Settings > Checkout Settings.
  2. In the Checkout Settings page, scroll down to the Checkout security section.
  3. Check the boxes to display security and trust information and after-sales guarantee description on the checkout page. Available fields and options will appear once selected:
    2-3 Checkout security.png

  • The payment security information
    • Security information description: Provide details about your payment security measures here.
    • Payment security icon: Choose to display no icons, default icons, or custom images.
  • After-sales guarantee description: Provide the information here.
Note: These two settings are only applied to the checkout page. If you want to display the payment security and after-sales guarantee information on the product detail page or the shopping cart page, go to SHOPLINE App Store to download and install the Conversion Booster App. For details, refer to Conversion Booster.


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