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Creating Custom Pages

To ensure your store complies with industry standards and enhances your credibility when applying for advertising accounts, we recommend adding custom pages with information about your company. Common custom pages include About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Return Policy, Shipping Policy, Payment Methods, and more.


In This Article



Creating a Custom Page

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Online Store > Page > Create a new page. If you’ve already created custom pages, you’ll see the Create a page button.
    1-1. Online Store _ Page _ Create a new page.png
  2. In the editor, provide a name for your page and input the content. You can customize the format and style of your content using the options in the toolbar.
  3. SHOPLINE supports Search Engine Optimization. Click Edit to optimize your search results. When you're done, click Add in the upper right corner to publish the page. The system will go back to the list of your custom pages.
    1-4. Edit SEO _ Add.png
  4. You can edit the page by clicking on the title, preview it by clicking the eye icon, or delete it by clicking the bin icon.
    delete button.png



Custom Page Examples

If you plan to apply for an advertising account, it’s recommended to include the following pages in your store. 

Page Title Content
About Us Include Company/Store name and address. Ensure the content aligns with the information registered for your business license.
Contact Us Include your company/store name, address, email, and contact number (with country code included).
Privacy Policy This page should provide a statement or legal document that discloses how your party gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client's data.
Return/Exchange Policy Clearly outline your return or exchange policies.
Shipping Policy Explain the delivery methods offered, shipping fees, and estimated delivery times.
Payment Method Include logos of accepted payment options, such as Paypal, Master, Visa, and more.



Displaying on Storefront

After creating your custom pages, set their visibility to display them in the store header or footer. Note that you should create the custom pages before adding them to the store header or footer.

  1. Go to Online Store > Navigation and select the menu for your pages.
    3-1. Online Store _ Navigation.png
  2. In the editing page, click Add menu item in the Edit menu items section.
    3-2-1. Add menu item button.png
    Fill in the display name of the menu item. In the Referral URL drop-down menu, select Custom page and choose your custom page. Then, click Add.
    3-2-2. Menu item.png
  3. You will go back to the editing page, and click Update in the upper right corner to save the changes.
    3-3. Update.png
  4. After adding the pages to the navigation menus, go to Online Store > Design. On the editing page, you can display your custom pages by adding/editing a Menu title item and selecting the navigation menu containing that page in the Header or Footer section.


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