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Deleting Images from File Library


You can delete the images you no longer need from the file library to keep it tidy and organized.

Note: Deleting images from the file library does not affect the ones that have already been saved on your store’s website pages.


In This Article



Deleting a Single Image

To delete one image at a time, follow the steps below: 

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Settings > File Library.
  2. In the list of File library, click the trash bin icon to the right of an image. 
  3. In the pop-up window, click OK to confirm you want to delete the image.



Deleting Images in Bulk

You can also bulk delete images at a time. Follow the steps below:

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Settings > File Library.
  2. In the list of File library, select the images you want to delete by checking the boxes in front of them.
  3. Click the Delete button that appears at the top of the list.
  4. In the pop-up window, click OK to confirm you want to delete the selected images.
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