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SHOPLINE Bill Overview


You can review your bills on the My bill page in your SHOPLINE admin panel. This page offers an overview of your recent bills and your transaction fee slips. You can click on any of the records to access detailed information or to export your bills for record-keeping and tracking purposes.


In This Article



Where to View Your Bill

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Settings > Plan.
    1.1 Settings _ Plan.png

  2. Click View bills to access the My bill page. 
    1.2.1 View the bill.png

  3. In the header menu, you can choose between Billing list to review charges for subscription plans, apps, channel services, and more, or Transaction Fee flow to check slips for transaction fees.
    2-3-1. Billing list (My bill).png

    2-3-2. Commission (My bill).png

  4. If you want to view the details of any record, simply click on the respective item.
    2-4-1. Details of record.png

    2-4-2. Details of record.png

  5. To export data, use the Export bill feature. Let's use the Billing list as an example:
    5-1. Export data for selected items:
    5-1-1. Select the items you want to export, click Export bill, then select Bill list.

    5-1-2. On the pop-up window, select Selected data and click Export.

    5-2. Export data that meet specific filter conditions:
    5-2-1. Apply your desired filters, click Export bill, then select Bill list.
    5-2-2. On the pop-up window, select Data that meet the filter conditions and click Export.



Types of Billing Charges

Your bill may consist of various charges, with the three most common types outlined below:

  • Subscription Plan Bill: This type of bill details the cost of your SHOPLINE subscription plan. The subscription fee is contingent on your chosen plan and the billing cycle.

  • Transaction Fee Bill: This pertains to bills generated for store transactions processed through third-party payment providers. The fee is calculated based on order amounts and a specified transaction fee rate. Refer to the Transaction Fee Bills Overview for more information.

  • Application Bill: This type of bill represents the costs associated with subscribing to applications, which are determined by the application developers.



Billing Cycles

The billing cycle is the duration between your two bills. Currently, you can't choose the specific day of the month to receive the bill.

Billing Cycle Name Billing Cycle Duration Bill Generation Time
Billing list 1 month or 1, 2, or 3 years Starting date + (1 month or 1, 2, or 3 years)
Transaction Fee flow 1 month or when the cumulative fee amount reaches a certain threshold The first day of every calendar month at  12: 00 AM(UTC+08:00)



Billing cycle for subscription plan bills: Refers to the duration of the plan, from the start date to the end date. If you purchase a new plan at the end of the current one, a new subscription plan bill will be generated.

For transaction fee bills, there are two scenarios: 

  • If the cumulative transaction fees for the store reach a certain threshold (e.g., US threshold is USD 70, GB threshold is 60 GBP).
  • If the cumulative transaction fees for the current month do not meet condition 1, a bill is generated at 12:00 AM on the 1st of the following month.


  • There may be a delay of several minutes in the generation of the bill. If the bills are not shown timely, please refresh the page after several minutes.

  • To avoid any disruption to normal store operations due to delayed payment, we recommend that you settle your bills promptly.



Billing Payment Methods

Merchants are required to pay their bills promptly once they have been generated; otherwise, the account might become inactive.


Online Payment

Currently, SHOPLINE supports bill payments through credit cards or PayPal. When making payments, select the correct payment cycle and method to proceed with the payment.


Bank Transfer

For merchants who cannot use online payments or have established a company and need to proceed with a corporate bank transfer, an offline payment method is available. Follow the steps below:

  1. Contact your Merchant Success Manager for the corporate account details.

  2. Complete the bank transfer, ensuring not to make duplicate payments.

  3. Submit proof of the offline transfer to your Merchant Success Manager.

  4. Your Merchant Success Manager will process the payment. Once completed, the bill will be marked as paid.



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