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Introduction to E-map


SHOPLINE stores can set their e-maps of 711 and FamilyMart so that Taiwanese customers can choose the store address when placing orders. 

This article will illustrate the details.


In This Article



Enabling E-map

The e-map is only valid for Taiwan. After getting permission, you can follow the steps below to enable the e-map.

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, click Settings > Shipping and Delivery.
  2. In the Shipping fees section, click Shipping rate settings.
  3. Click Add a shipping zone, and only select Taiwan. Click Create.
  4. In the shipping zone Taiwan, click on the Add the shipping rates button.
  5. In the popup window, fill in the details about the name, freight service, charging method, billing currency, and shipping rate. Check Cash on delivery is supported and check Enable e-map, select 711 to set up the shipping rate.
  6. Click Done.
  • To set up 711, FamilyMart, and Ship, you need to set up three shipping plans separately.
  • Shipping rate name: Customers can see this name at the store. For example, you can set it as a free-shipping option by naming it Free shipping.
  • Additional description: A brief description can be filled in below the shipping plan, and it is optional and displayed if filled.



Shipping Rate Setting in E-map

SHOPLINE currently supports 12 types of set calculation methods.

Example 1: Set up a shipping plan with a shipping rate of 0.

Example 2: Set the shipping rate for 0-10 kg to USD 10 and 10-20 kg to USD 0.


You can combine more intervals and charging methods. Once setup is completed, remember to click one of the Create buttons located at the top or bottom of the page.

You can also follow the same steps above to set an e-map for FamilyMart.

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