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Setting up Store Credits

Member System allows you to set store credits for your store: allocate corresponding store credits to qualified customers, and refund with store credits. This helps you better retain customers, increase customer engagement, and enhance the return shopper rate. Customers can use the store credits in your store, which can help you better establish and maintain customer relationships.



In This Article



Enabling / Disabling Store Credits

You can enable or disable the Store credits module in Member System at any time.

After setting the store credit allocation and expiry date settings for your store, please ensure that the Store credits module is enabled.

If the green dot on the right side of Store credits in the menu is illuminated, or the switch on the Store credits page is turned on, the current store credit rule is enabled.

You can go to Store credits > Current status > switch the toggle on.

You can also click this button again to disable the store credits feature when it is enabled. The store credit allocation rules you’ve set will not take effect, and the corresponding store credit balance will no longer be displayed on the member panel. However, for store credits that have not expired, customers can still redeem them by copying the card number when placing an order.



Setting Store Credit Allocation Rules

You can set and modify how customers acquire store credits.


Adding Store Credit Allocation Rules

Go to Store credits > Allocation Rules > Add allocation rule  and choose the method of allocating store credits.

Currently, there are 5 supported methods for allocating store credits. Each method can have one store credit allocation rule. You can customize the rule according to your requirements.

  1. Receiving store credits after the first order.
    You can set the amount of store credits for customers who place their first order. You can set either Fixed Amount or Allocate based on order value here.

If you set a fixed amount, customers will receive a certain amount of store credits after their first order. If you choose to allocate based on the order value, you can specify the amount of store credits customers will receive for every certain amount spent. Therefore, after the customer’s first order, they will receive corresponding store credits based on the actual amount paid for the items in the order.

  1. Receiving store credits when an order is placed.

You can choose Fixed amount or Allocate based on order value. Additionally, you can set a minimum spending amount for receiving store credits. Orders below this amount will not receive store credits.

Note: Store credits when order is placed are allocated only after the customer has made the payment for their order.
  1. Receiving store credits after successful registration.
  2. Receiving Store credits based on order history.

You can set allocation based on the customer’s order history, with up to 5 gradients available. As the customer’s order amount within the store reaches each gradient, they will receive corresponding store credit rewards.

  1. Receiving Store credits based on spend history.

You can set Every X Amount Spent, Receive Y, or Designated Accumulative Amount Reward; For Every X Amount Spent, Receive Y, store credits will be allocated based on the customer’s consumption history. Each time the cumulative spending threshold is met, corresponding store credits will be allocated, with any excess amount carried over to the next cumulative range.
If you set Designated Accumulative Amount Reward, you can allocate store credits based on the customer’s consumption history, with a maximum of 5 gradients available. As the customer’s consumption amount within the store reaches each gradient, they will receive corresponding store credit rewards.


Modifying Store Credit Allocation Rules

You can edit the existing store credit allocation rules. After editing, customers will receive corresponding store credits according to the new rules.


Deleting Store Credit Allocation Rules

You can delete the store credit allocation rules that have been set.

Simply click on the trash bin icon on the rule to delete. 



Setting Store Credit Expiry Date

You can set the expiry date for store credits allocated, store credits will not be available for use once they exceed the expiry date. By managing the expiry dates of customers’ store credits, you can effectively retain customers who are at risk of churning.

You can go to Store credits > Expiry date settings > Edit to uniformly set the corresponding store credit expiry dates.

You can set store credits to be permanently valid or valid for a fixed period (such as 365 days), or valid until a fixed date (such as December 31, 2023).

If you haven’t selected All store credits share the same expiry date rules, you can individually set the store credit expiry date for each store credit allocation rule.

Note: The store credit expiry date will remain consistent with the expiry date set when the store credits were allocated. Therefore, modifying the store credit expiry date will not affect store credits that were allocated before the modification.



Refunding with Store Credits

Once your store has installed Member System and enabled the store credit setting, you can refund any order with store credits.

Effective August 9, 2023, for orders that allocate store credits, if a customer requests a refund, a prorated amount of store credits will be reclaimed based on the refund's proportion to the total order amount.

Note: Before you initiate a refund with store credits, ensure mutual agreement with your customer. Refunding with store credits will not affect your order amount; you can still refund the customer through the refund to the original payment method.
  1.  Go to Orders > order details > Actions > Refund with store credits.

  1. Refund process

You can choose to refund customers using store credits. Simply fill in the amount of store credits you want to refund to the customer in the refund amount field, then click Refund to complete the refund with store credits.

If you checked Send notification to customer in the Notifications section and have enabled refund emails in the Member System > Emails, the customer will receive an email notification.

The Member System has already filled in a default note for you, but you can modify this note if needed. After initiating the refund, you can view this note in the order details, displayed in Notes.



Viewing Store Credits on the Member Details Page

You can check a customer’s store credit balance on the Member details page. Click here for details.



Configuring Emails

The email push feature helps you automatically push emails to customers in specific scenarios. You can quickly set up whether store credit-related scenarios trigger email notifications in the Store credits > Emails section.

Currently, the store credit settings provide 4 types of emails, which are automatically sent to customers in specific scenarios. You can enable or disable these emails by checking the corresponding options.

  1. Store credits received: Email sent to customers when they receive store credits.
  2. Store credits redeemed: Email sent to customers when they redeem store credits.
  3. Reward expired: Emails sent to customers when their store credits are about to expire, with the default being 3 days before expiration.
  4. Refund with store credits: Emails sent to customers when you refund them with store credits.

If you want to edit the template of any email, please hover over the specific email and click Edit to go to the email editing page. 

Click More on the upper right corner of the section to go to the Emails module, where you can configure the notifications for all the Member System modules like Membership, Points, and Referrals.



Redeeming Store Credits

Customers can view their membership card number and the corresponding store credit balance on the customer’s member panel.

They can copy their membership card number when placing an order, paste it into the Gift card/Discount code input field, and click Apply to use store credits for payment during checkout.



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