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Accelerating Response Time With Smart Reply Suggestions


This feature enables the system to provide reply suggestions by analyzing sessions to improve response speed and accuracy.


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Feature Overview

With this feature enabled, the system automatically provide reply suggestions to messages sent by customers based on selected data sources to help you quickly solve problems and improve customer experience.



Enabling Smart Reply Suggestions

  1. From your SHOPLINE admin panel, go to Channels > Messages and click the Go to settings button next to Chat Assistant.
    2-1 MC chat assistant.png

  2. On the next page, go to the Smart Reply suggestions tab and turn on the toggle at the top to enable this feature.

  3. Next, configure the data source of Smart Reply Suggestions. At present, this feature supports Content Library and Chat GPT.
    2-2 smart reply suggestions.png

With this feature enabled, you’ll see reply suggestions in the chat rooms of Message Center (Messages > View your messages). The system will automatically show you the content related to the keyword when any user sends a message containing that specific keyword. You can choose to send this content, which can improve your response efficiency.

2-3 demo.png


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